Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

TRIGGER WARNING! The Heavenly World Of Twin Flame Groups (Fallacies & Entitled Psychopaths)


  This is not going to be just your regular day to day video so If you are easily triggered, this is the time where you are going back to your cat videos. This is for those who are ready to accept the raw truth of any situation they are currently going through, and those who are powerful and royal enough to take responsibility of their thoughts, vulnerabilities and actions without hurting or abusing others.

  So if you are a real, awakened warrior of Light, welcome aboard, and if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe, click the bell icon so you can get notified each time I post a new video and also click the like button as it helps with the YouTube algorithm and other people will see this video and gain precious clarity that they so seek.

  And of course this video is sponsored by another twin flame group I just got banned from. YAYYY!

  People love it when you are exposing them and their plans, so much that they send me daily messages of (threats khkhkhkh) spiritual love and gratitude.

  Out there in the holy land of social media, we get to meet hundreds of thousands of Twin Flames, Twin Flame coaches, Twin Flame Couples in Union, Twin Flame this Twin Flame that, even though we know that this spiritual process (insert here awkward silence because we accidentally revealed that Twin Flames are not a Hollywood romantic movie) is so rare, that is only to be observed in a handful of cases.

  But the problem begins when random people, with low self esteem issues, start labeling themselves with a bunch of fancy titles, just to gain a sense of superiority over others, and convince people that they are somehow special, because they don't feel like that by themselves. So once they get in any kind of relationship, they will baptize that as a Twin Flame relationship, and they will also almost immediately start calling themselves with titles such as Enlightened Queen Of Atlantis, Spiritual King Of Orion, Princess of Lemuria just to become totally safe in their delusional utopia. 

  So all these specialists and self proclaimed gurus, once they encounter a real Twin Flame who suffers due to the extreme energies and dynamics of this process or because they are going through the DNOTS as they are called to erase old programming and Karma with the most painful way ever known to men, they will put them down by claiming “oh you only met a Karmic person, or this is a false twin flame not your real one” or they might try to sell you a unique Twin Flame Union package for you to manifest your Twin Flame coming back at you when you reach 80 years old. Yeah. For real. 

  And people buy in this crap and wait for 30 and 40 years for that narcissist to come back even though is obvious that they left due to a gazzilion of unresolved issues you and also them are still in the process of healing. But ofcourse many times these people might come back after they had multiple sexual partners, had the fun of their life doing what they enjoyed while you were back home waiting for them to appear out of the blue to save your pathetic ass! 

  And they usually come back because they are broke and peniless, they might be homeless and they are looking for a place to stay or they want to have sex with someone...available. For them you are just a victim that they will use you to express their toxic behaviors and fulfill their own needs without any sense of guilt or remorse. Simple like that.

  At the end of the day we get to realize that all of these entitled spiritual gurus are also narcissists who have their own agenda as its obvious that they spreading all these lies and fake hopes to keep people hooked on their websites, groups and communities to keep selling them tarot readings and TF Union manifestation courses. 

  But the most crazy thing about all these groups is when someone cheats on their husband with a 20 years younger muscular guy that they labeled TF just to excuse their immoral behaviors and make a post about it, they all gather in the comment section and congratulate that person with comments like “Wow I am so happy for you that you finally found your TF” “Go go girl dont worry about your husband I am sure he will understand it” And the worst part is that particular behavior is consider as a normal Twin Flame stage. 

  Yeah, cheating, hurting others, abandoning their own children, running after abusers, is obviously something really spiritual because if you don't do it, you will miss the chance to be with your Twin Flame. But at the end of the day the truth is that all these people are left alone as their newlly found spiritual partner runs away, they have no dignity left to go back to their family, and they end up reading articles , watching videos, looking for answers and waiting for their so called TF to come back but of course, the only solution is to buy the latest TF union course from Sri Akasha Rushrimykrisha the Enlightened King Of Pleiades who can make your dreams come true. If you also want to become a shadow worker entrepreneur is actually really easy. 

  Find a rare spiritual process where people are suffering, distort the truth about it so people will not find a rational explanation, and sell them a course that will have no results and then blame them for now following through the daily program. I will tell you one more secret though before I go. In greek language one word for demons is Διάβολος, which translates to the one who distorts the truth.

  If you didn't go back to your cat videos and if you like my triggering techniques, feel free to subscribe, leave a comment below so I can give you a 20% discount of my latest TF union package and I will see you in an upcoming video. Stay tuned.


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#Astrogenesis #MovingAhead #AlexFtoulis

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