Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Number One Reason To Let Go Of Your Twin Flame (Or Any) Relationship


Text taken from YouTube subtitles.

Greetings and blessings my beloved friends how you doing we all know how difficult it is when it's time to let go of anyone that we fell in love with and especially the one that we call a twin flame and today we're going to find out reasons why it is time for us to let them go and move on with our lives if you're new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and please click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see this video and benefit from so you met with that wonderful and special person you fell in love with them you shared so many wonderful amazing moments but suddenly they change so much that you can't recognize them and of course the first thing that they do is that they keep hurting you because they have a sense of superiority they feel like they are better than you and everything you say or do or believe is totally wrong and they don't even bother hearing your opinion but instead they keep imposing their own opinion belief systems upon you with a totally narcissistic way this is the first and one of the major reasons that you need to take under consideration and start taking steps to protect your integrity and let them go people they feel entitled nowadays and no matter what you say no matter what you want to believe or no matter your own opinion is it doesn't matter they are better than you and they will do anything to protect their own point of view their own so-called integrity by hurting you by making you feel unworthy by constantly rejecting you and avoiding you in order for you to feel even more useless more unworthy and they will have no communication with you when you need it because this is their way to punish you it is called silent treatment and in the twin flame relationships we observe it as the runner and chaser dynamic when they constantly run away from you they avoid replying your messages because they feel entitled they feel that they are superior and by doing that they will put you aside they will make you feel useless worthless and of course by allowing these behaviors in our life it is a sign that we don't love ourselves enough in order to raise safe boundaries we don't know what the word dignity means because of our childhood traumas of how society programmed us religion how our family made us feel and we take all of that programming and we implement it in our life by becoming the magnets for these behaviors because once we allow all of these behaviors to exist in our life we give the signal to the universe that this is okay this is what i would like to have in my life because i allow it to be there for extended period of time so by doing that the universe will only reflect that back to us so more abuse more narcissistic and toxic people will appear in our life because we don't want proper communication once you allow someone to treat you like that it means you don't want to have proper communication because if you really want to have healthy relationships you are not going to be around anyone who avoids you who keeps rejecting you and because of your own victimization you keep labeling these behaviors as spiritual processes but even if it is a spiritual process for our own development it is only there to give us a lesson how to properly love and respect ourselves how to raise safe boundaries how to project our intentions in such powerful way that these people will immediately be rejected by the universal laws away from our life so if you see anyone out there rejecting you they have a sensation of superiority over you their opinion and beliefs are the best in my personal life i met so many of them because in the domain that i work there are so many entitled people they believe they know everything because they don't allow new information and knowledge to come into their life and and work with that and learn something new they keep pushing people away they keep treating others as lower entities and they are the best so if you see such a behavior it's a sign from the universe also for you become more humble but don't allow anything like that to be in your life because if you stay there for one month two months three months people stay in these relationships for years guess what the gap grows bigger that's why they are waiting 10 years 20 years and then they come up and they advertise themselves as twin flame union couples which of course in the mind of someone with the least iq it is obvious that there is no functional relationship there and there is no love when someone avoids you rejects you feels that they are more superior than you and they make you feel unworthy rejected abundant so any time you come up with a repetitive pattern in anyone's behavior that makes you feel like that rejected heard abundant it is obvious it's time for you to let them go and did you ever have such an experience in your life let me know in the comment section below did you ever experienced anyone who suddenly changed their behavior and they became superior they started neglecting you they started using you as a tool just to feel better just to release all of their personal issues upon you or to use you sexually to make them feel like they control you or they use you did you ever have in your life such a person and for how long did you allow that person to be in your life please leave me a comment below and tell me for how long and what was the aftermath of that decision so if you are around anyone who treats you like this it is time for you to let them go reclaim back the love that you truly deserve and move on with your life because the only thing that you deserve is love respect and proper communication if you're new to my channel feel free to subscribe and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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