Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The 3 Keys That Will Open The Door To Your Dream Life! WARNING. Be Ready For BIG Changes!


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Greetings and blessings my beloved friends how you doing today i'm going to reveal to you three amazing secrets that you can use in order to manifest an extraordinary life of ease and success if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and please click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see this video and benefit from so we are called in this life to learn a bunch of lessons in order to elevate in our consciousness and overcome difficulties as judgmental behavior jealousy feelings of unworthiness abandoned men etc so today i'm going to give you three important secrets that if you are going to use them immediately you're going to have a life of ease and miracles the first one trust i know it might sound like a spiritual term but as also esther hicks mentions in her own teachings is all about the path of least resistance and if you are moving in this life with the knowing that your higher self a higher force the force which creates everything that you are experiencing that is you actually always take care of you you will feel an inner peace that will help you remove all the stress and all the resistance that keeps away all the blessings that you've been waiting all of your life because you see if you are going in your life with anxiety stress and worry and thinking of the past thinking of the future worrying about the future remembering all of these horrible things that happened to you in the past you are building within your consciousness and within your energetic field and existence but if you allow yourself to feel at ease and trust that no matter what you are going through it is because you created it in a past life or in this life because of your actions thoughts emotions and beliefs so if you learn in that moment of now currently in your experience that you are living right now instead of reacting instead of wondering why why this happened to me or why my life is like that and you are trusting that this process will help you learn more and eventually from that lesson you are going to grow and everything will be at your favor at the end of the day so allow yourself to believe that no matter what is going on in your life right now everything is going to be okay at the end of the day trust have faith because everything is love the only way that we are going to bring in our life misfortune is when we are acting from a foundation of egoistical behaviors when we are acting with hate envy and all negative emotions are coming up in the surface from their conscious and they are manifesting and we observe that as a misfortune but if you have good intentions and in this moment of now you are taking care of your thoughts your beliefs your emotions your life in the future is going to become easier and easier and easier so trust learn from your current moment from your current experience and take care that in this moment of now your thoughts your emotions and your actions are going to be in balance with what you want to experience in the future the second and most important key is to remove from your life and avoid from your life these two kinds of people the first one is these people who don't respect you they are never okay with whatever you are giving to them they are never satisfied they are never complete and they never give anything in return okay i know that the proper love is to give without expecting to have something in return but in your immediate circle of friends i mean you are adult okay and you have like two three four friends not like 100 or 200 so you want these two people these three people to be supportive to appreciate you because if you have in your immediate environment people who don't appreciate they don't give back to you they don't laugh with your jokes they're not having good time with you you are going to feel unworthy you are going to feel all these negative emotions and they are going to impact your life the second kind of people that you want to immediately avoid is all these that are triggered by your every word your every thought your every emotion even your existence triggers them it means these people have a lot of things to deal with them with their psyche with themselves and if they are in your life right now they will absorb precious energy from your focus from your well-being because let's say your intentions are always coming from love but they are triggered because they have their own personal issues that they need to work or perhaps you have also some issues you need to work you don't want in your immediate circle people who are going to absorb your time your focus your energy in a negative way and they will react with your every word with your every joke instead of laughing they are getting triggered these people shouldn't be in your life so if you have trust in the divine if you and if you take care the people who are surrounding your immediate circle of friends you and your middle school you are going to use the third key and immediately your life is going to bring miracles is going to bring new people new opportunities and is going to be amazing and extraordinary so the third and the most powerful and wonderful key that i include in my vip coaching sessions is the decoding of your natal chart i know many people out there they don't believe in astrology but this life is composed by many and wonderful miraculous aspects in our psyche in external materialization karma past lives and all these data create what we are experiencing right now as a reality so if you take and count all these mysteries of life and you start decoding them like your natal child let's say you're a pisces where you are a leo and within your natal chart there are so many wonderful information that can tell you where you can find money easier in what profession in what direction who are your friends are going to be are they going to be supportive are they going to trigger you are they are going to help you grow they are going to be financially supportive so if you are about to decode your natal chart instead of wandering randomly in life without knowing what career to follow what kind of relationship to start attracting because in your natal chart it might say that you are going to be able to have a healthy relationship when you are about 30 years of age or when you learn this lesson or when you outgrow that challenge so by recording your natal chart you know what is left for you to learn in this life to become stronger much wiser much more financially stable and if you follow these guidelines it's going to be much easier for you let's say as an example in my own case i had my own astrologer who went away from this life in 2012 keith haswell one of the most brilliant astrologers i ever met and he pointed to me about the relationship that i went through and i was going to go through the kind of careers i was going to go and i was going to be successful and everything was so on point i was crazy i followed his own advices like what i had to be more patient how i was about to deal in my future relationships how was i going to follow my career in the future and i had to be patient because it was included by nato charts some difficulties that it would help me grow and become better in whatever thing i was going to go after as a career so i became more patient because i had that inner hope and going through that path everything was going to be okay but i had to go through some tests i had to avoid some certain kind of people and even though i knew all this information i went into the wrong kind of careers i went into the wrong kind of relationships and then i was laughing because i was warned i had the knowledge to avoid all of that hassle but i went of course i learned so many things but of course i could avoid that and had much better life with better people and better relationships we interrupt this video just to let you know that you are amazing and to find more about the recording of your nature and human design chart which are included in the most innovative coaching program available now check the links below i hope you like my videos if you like by video subscribe to my channel and i will see you in upcoming videos stay tuned.

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