Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The 4 Main Reasons Your Twin Flame Went Away (The Truth About The Runner & Chaser Stage)


Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessings my beloved friends how you doing in today's video i'm going to bring clarity for one more time regarding the stage of runner and chaser and i'm going to explain to you why this happens and why you are so obsessed with your twin flame no matter what they are doing to you if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and please click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see this video and benefit from so the first thing i want you to realize is that the universe is based upon 12 fundamental laws and one of them is the love correspondence which states as above so below as within so without you are creating your reality based upon your energies frequencies and vibrations these energies and vibrations are formed based upon your experiences which create your beliefs which then creates the thought forms that control your emotions and your emotions that go out from your heart chakra that creates the total energetic field creates this reality you are currently experiencing and if you are in that stage where someone runs away from you messes with you they don't reply to your messages they don't answer their phone they are running away they don't tell you what they are doing it means that you have underlying sense and emotions of neglection and abandonment because of your childhood traumas or even perhaps from unresolved past life karma and the problem is that people even if their twin flame runs away from them and they do what they do they don't answer their phone they run away and people when they come back they are when that twin flame comes back they try to forgive them and they repeat the same thing over and over again which creates another kind of a frequency and another kind of vibration which gives to the universe the signal that you are okay to have someone in your life running away from you treating you like this people who are in that specific pattern they lack of self-esteem proper self-love and dignity anyone who respects themselves they seek for relationship that have communication that have ease balance and they are not shot in spiritual conceptions of like i'm going to forgive them or i'm going to do some inner work and they are going to come back no this is addiction based mindset is like a drug addict which keeps telling themselves that i'm going to do that for the last time i'm going to do this drug for the last time it's going to be the last time they keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again you are addicted because of the Stockholm syndrome and the honeymoon effect which i said so many times in my videos and in the articles in laughing Socrates people are trapped in this stage because they don't admit they don't have the courage to realize that this relationship ended up like that because of their own issues then the other person no matter what they are doing we should not blame them but we should not accept that behavior in our life because as long as you are accepting any pattern of behavior in your life you are giving the signal to the universe that this is okay this is what you want in your life and it will be repeated over and over and over again people remain in that stage for 10 20 and 30 years again the universe is based upon energies frequencies and vibrations and if you are accepting anything which contradicts your happiness guess what is going to repeat in your life is not going to bring happiness is not going to bring love is not going to bring prosperity and of course you are going to remain trapped first of all because you don't recognize your own mistakes second a twin flame relationship has a specific pattern in your natal chart configuration where pluto the planet creates such energy and vibration of delusion that keeps people in a stage where they believe that that kind of person that abuses that narcissist of course twin flame turns into a narcissist when you are trying to impose a human kind of relationship upon this highly spiritual process that twin flames are people it to be a normal relationship and they become attached and i said so many times when you are becoming attached you are putting out excess energy excess potential as vadim zealand says in his book reality transceiving and this excess energy creates all that gap between you and your desired object which in that case is your twin flame so in order for you to not see that narcissistic trait of your twin flame you must remain in a spiritual connection with that personal people because they want to have a normal romantic relationship with that twin flame which i understand because i have been there and i know how difficult it is because of that plutonian addiction energy which creates that bond you want them to be there as partners but no unfortunately or fortunately this is a highly spiritual process where you clear unresolved karma you deal with your childhood trauma because you can't do anything else once you get in the stage of runner and chaser obviously your twin flame turned into a narcissist so when your twin flame turns into a completely different person into a narcissist into someone who betrays you and abandons you obviously is a creation which is based upon your own attachment issues your own and neglection issues and no matter what they turned into we should not focus on them we should not judge them or blame them but instead turn within and start healing your own issues not for them to come back and i'm going to explain to you why there is nothing good to interfere with anyone's free will and it's easy for you to understand but our ego will not allow us to understand why it is wrong i'm going to explain to you why let's say there is a really ugly toxic person that you don't want in your life and they are trying to manifest you by using all this crazy techniques people are advertising over in youtube to manifest a specific person would you like that person to do something and bring you in their life and have you as a relationship would you like that which that is the golden rule don't do to others what you don't want to have in your life so once your twin flame runs away the best thing that you can do is to realize that everything is created based upon the law of correspondence and you have to let them go do not interact with their free will and their own decisions and start healing yourself just to not repeat in the future again any circumstance that resembles the same stage because you don't want people to keep running away from you or fooling with you or messing with you or avoiding you etc etc you want love in your life you want to have communication you want to have healthy relationships but again i explained to you the reason the twin flames going to that stage is because people want to have a normal relationship because they are going after the other person with attachment issues and their own unresolved childhood issues it creates that stage because of all that excess energy so you need to learn how to love unconditionally so you can have a normal relationship in your life but your twin flame must remain in that spiritual frame of approach because you want to learn from them they are here to help you heal they are here to teach you many wonderful things but once you are trying to have something based on the old paradigm of relationships you are bringing toxicity into that highly spiritual process and it creates all these different dynamics which form the push and pull dynamic then you have them running away from you and they turn narcissists once you see that behavior it's time for you to go away because if you remain there you keep sending to the universe the signal that this is what i want and if you insist because of the plutonian addiction guess what things are gonna get worse you want love communication and healthy relationships in your life this is where you need to focus let them go learn from your lesson go within find the therapies do some healing not for them to return back because you are messing with the free will and you don't want that to happen in your life remember that grow from that powerful lesson that you had because if you're a twin flame there is a lot of pain and a lot of hassle but the results are big and great if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you on upcoming video stay tuned.

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