Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

How & Why To Let Go Of Your Twin Flame (Powerful Ways You Never Heard Of Before)



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Greetings and blessings my lovely friends how you doing if it's really difficult for you to let go of your twin flame or remove all these intense energies that you are now experiencing which create discomfort within your psyche today i'm going to reveal two powerful ways that you can actually first realize why this happens and second i'm going to help you with some tools to start releasing these energies and eventually move on with your life if you're new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and please click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see this video and benefit from first of all if you are in a genuine twin flame relationship that connection is so intense because this is not just another person and of course this is not a typical relationship but a powerful spiritual process of development so we immediately know that is not going to be easy to let them go in any way so you are addicted and obsessed because you are bound by two different kinds of energies first of all your psychological issues and second you are connected via your etheric world your aura your magnetic field the first one which belongs in the connection of your own psychological issues it is being amplified when you are in the bubble phase and the silver cord is created and amplified in such powerful way that you can have telepathy you can manifest big things together you can see so many synchronicities that is totally crazy and absurd and you while you are creating that silver court which is spiritual you introduce in that energy your own psychological issues because you didn't heal completely you are bringing in attachment issues trust issues neglection and embandment from your own childhood and all this toxicity sooner or later will become the addiction point and it will be impossible for you to let them go because these issues will cause the stockholm syndrome and the honeymoon effect to go in full mode and when these two powerful issues are activated the stockholder syndrome and the honeymoon effect it is so difficult to let them go and move on with our lives because also we have the connection in the aura our magnetic field but first of all psychological issues when you are experiencing the runner and chaser stage it is time for you to withdraw go back don't run because i said in so many other videos and i'm going to put links below so you can see them when you start running the gap grows bigger the energy become more intense because they are there for you to have a lesson and you need to withdraw go back and the first thing you can do is to start taking some notes write down the red flags that you observed in that relationship and don't blame the other one this is very important you need to find where is the causational point within your own psychology within your own energies right let's say they lie to you are you a man or a woman of trust or you have trust issues or anything similar to that and take notes write them down and start healing by meditating and helping other people i know it might sound crazy but many people are trying to go within and heal their little child and using all these crazy techniques but if you are helping other people in this reality you are helping yourself and when it is difficult for you to go within because of all these intense energies by helping other people it will bring the grace of the universe within your life and miracles are going to start happening so meditate relax remove the mind from having control over your life over each other stop it be silent exercise have a nice vegan diet cleanse your body help other people so the grace of the universe can come within your aura and heal you okay that's the first part of the connection which belongs to the psychological influence and toxicity that you introduce in the silver cord and of course the second one is mainly your silver cord of the connection but i'm going to give you a really nice tip which i mentioned in my blog laughing socrates you can visit in the links below and you can subscribe and join our family when i was studying occultism i discovered a lot of powerful ways for you to actually break that silver bond in cases that are rare as your twin flame you see there is a door of opportunity when venus the planet goes retrograde every 18 months or so one year and a half so in that period you must in the new moon during that period the intention of releasing that intensity not your twin flame because you cannot release anyone we are all one but these energies you must put a proper intention and i will also include one video down in the links below how to properly and powerfully set intentions with magical incantations do that in the new moon and in the full moon you are going to do a ritual an easy one actually because i know many people out there they are not familiar with magic but i'm going to tell you a really nice trick in the day of the full moon of course you need to fast always before doing anything fast for three days in the day of the full moon you can go uh at a river or at a lake or if you are not in a place that there is a river or a lake you can have a shower all right and the water will symbolize the cleansing and removing of all these energies and you have to visualize while you are bathing while you are in the water at the water as a pink gold kind of a light pink and gold try to visualize that cleansing your body and affirm i am now cleansed in the name of love in the name of ararita i am now cleansed i am now clear i am now cleansed do that for three times relax then meditate and at the end of that light a control and focus on the flame and send out healing energies to your twin flame loving energies forgive them and then blow that kind of love this will symbolize that the power and the intensity of the flame now goes away you are not going to destroy your connection but you are going to become more aware of the spiritual process and the meaning of that relationship you are going to grow stronger and eventually you are going to be free from all the toxic energies which create all these intensities and after that you are going to be a completely different person you are not going to have to run after anyone you are going to realize how to raise safe boundaries you're going to realize why you are so addicted and you're going to be so thankful for that person who appeared in your life and brought that wonderful message to you of course it wasn't a nice right i know it hurts but it hurts and it triggers us because we have psychological issues that we need to develop we need to heal we need to let go in order to be more loving and conditionally loving towards others to be more powerful and wise in all of our thoughts actions and emotions of course we need to learn how to control our emotions and the twin flame is there to push our trigger buttons to make us feel uncomfortable in order for us to realize that we have the problem with him and if we heal that nobody else can trigger us and we can bless people and let them go easier than ever before because we know how to protect our selves and our integrity i hope you like my videos if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in upcoming videos stay tuned.

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