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The 3 Most Important Steps To Manifest Your Dreams (Valuable Secrets Included)


Text taken from YouTube Subtitles.

Greetings and blessings beloved friends how you doing in today's video i'm going to reveal to you the three most important steps that you can actually use right now in order to successfully manifest your goals and desires and of course along the way i'm going to give you really interesting tips for you to achieve a proper state of being that is able to bring into manifestation all of your goals and desires if you're new to my channel if you subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and please click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see this video and benefit from so the first thing that i want you to realize is that a successful manifestation it is a successful impression of a new idea or state of being upon our subconscious mind and this is going to be achieved by the following three steps the first one is to learn the art of meditation you have to master going from beta brain waves to alpha brain waves which means beta is conscious mind stayed in activities that you are doing during the day interacting with your friends going to the gym thinking about the past thinking about your future worrying et cetera et cetera the alpha state it is a relaxed drowsy sleepy state of minds that you can achieve just before you go to sleep or when you are waking up but of course you need to learn how to do it during meditation because this is when it becomes really powerful and why we are called to learn how to meditate and relax you see when you are trying to impress an idea a belief or a desire into your subconscious mind you need to be free from restriction and limitation which belongs to the beta brainwave because while you are conscious you have all these limiting beliefs you are worrying and if you are trying to visualize or to dream about something new you are going to introduce into your energetic field a lot of restriction a lot of limitation and this of course is not going to have the results that we want so meditating is to stop the chatter of the mind and relax and i'm going to give you a little nice tip because i know many people that are trying to meditate and they can't achieve a proper state of being first of all relax start breathing slowly from your nose and exhale from your mouth and while you are doing that the most important thing is to keep your spine erected you can sit but your spine must be elected and start relaxing your body by conscious commands i am now consciously relaxing my forehead breathe i am now relaxing my neck and shoulders and while you are relaxing your body your mind will also relax and feel at ease then you can move to the second step which is visualization but you have to be aware by only dreaming about the things you want to have in your life is called daydreaming and it has no effects the most powerful way for you to visualize something is to imitate the emotions that you feel while you are having what you want in your life and also engage all of your five senses smell let's say you want a car smell your car touch and fill the steering wheel hear the energy see around how it looks like when i am driving down the road how it feels like am i excited so put emotion and also your senses into your vision for you to have a proper and successful visualization one little tip print a lot of colors in one paper a lot of colors different colors and before you go to sleep visualize them visualize the pink color visualize the black color visualize colors in that way you are going to sharpen your ability to visualize and your focus also it is always good to visualize what we want without interacting with the free will of other people i see so many gurus out there teaching about bringing in our life a specific person but if that person is not aligned with you they don't want you for their own reasons if we interact with their free will we are going to have negative results in the long term you can actually bring them but you are interacting with their free will as i said many times before take that note would you like someone that you don't want to start manifesting you in their life no so always use the golden rule do to others what you want to done upon you also never visualize when you are stressed when you are needy because you are going to put negative energies energies of restriction and limitation in your subconscious mind and upon your etheric field and also is not going to bring the results that you desire you must be relaxed and the key here is to be able to desire something without neediness because it creates what we say as excess potential so much energy that is not balanced and it will create a gap between us and our desired object so before you visualize be at ease relax and the third step is to learn how to script scripting is writing down in a notepad with a pen or a pencil not by typing it on our computer write down in a present tense what you want to have in your life like you are now experiencing like you have it right now use symbol sentences like i am in my dream car and i go to meet my girlfriend that's it don't write stories like 200 pages long you need to write small sentences just before you sleep or when you wake up or after your meditation and of course if you use it in that order meditation relax then visualize and after you have that picture vividly in your mind write that down after you see it in your visualization write that down and also one little local tip that i use in my personal coaching sessions that i made it to be more simple for you to understand it and follow it before you write down bless the pen yeah bless it with your own words like i bless you in the name of love and everything i write with you let it become true then bless the favor and say i now bless you with love in the name of love in the name of harmony in the in the name of the divine love anything it makes you feel good you can use your gods goddesses deities fictionary things it has to feel good bless it and say everything i write on you let it become true and on the four corners of that page you're about to script draw a little circle right it is a little okay secret in a symbol version that anyone can do by blessing anything it creates a high vibration and a connection with the ether in the quantum field of infinite possibilities and it is much more probable to happen in your life again don't interact with other people's free will don't try to manifest in your life drugs or anything that is related to your own addictions or sexual excess or anything that is not balanced bring in your life all the things that will make you happy in a balanced way and it will also help other people if what you are trying to manifest will help other people will come in your life way easier so what is your personal favorite manifestation technique let me know in the comment section below and one little hint before i close this video is you always have to know about your natal chart because in your first development stages you are influenced by your current structure of your natal chart and there are so many wonderful secrets included there i can help you find a path to manifest things easier maybe in your nato chart it says that your friend is going to help you financially so use that ask them for some help or if you are now having a startup business go ask for funding if you are favored the domain perhaps you are going to be successful in arts or singing or becoming a lawyer by studying your natal chart you are not wandering around in life just like that you know what to do and i also include this in my vip coaching sessions but now again one more little trick i know you love these things when you are doing this you can you meditate it you visualize your script and you are during the day things happen i know that perhaps you don't have money perhaps you have anxiety about things your relationship my it's not working what you need to do is to find a way to always keep your vibrations high dance smile listen to music that makes you feel good be around people that will induce happiness and never say your dreams to other people they have the power to take it away from you or make you doubt about yourself and about your goals and i'm going to read you now something from my latest book manifest fridays that has to do with vibration this is my book manifest fridays it's on amazon worldwide it's a book and notebook that you can actually use to document your internal external activities to find more about yourself and learn how to manifest your dreams and desires in a highly sophisticated way this is from the vibration nation the game of joy chapter chapter 7. we already know that is all about vibration and frequencies but what the hell are you vibrating right now that's the point you see it's not the vast amounts of information you can consume and accumulate it's the actual practice itself has to remain consistent until it crystallizes into your reality as a permanent attribute of your character so don't just read about things don't just listen and watch videos all day long practice meditate visualize script help other people so you can bring the grace of the divine love in your life be love be happiness to have love and have happiness in life if you love my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see your upcoming video stay tuned.

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