Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Day My Twin Flame Left. LISTEN Twin Flames. This Is My Message To You.



Text taken from YouTube subtitles

wasn't supposed to do any videos today but

like this day five years ago my twin flame appeared in my house just to announce to me that she was living for another country

one day before my birthday

and because after five years i am able to talk about these experiences without wanting to burst in tears i told myself that i have to spread the truth regarding genuine twin flames for one more time

you've seen my videos in my articles i speak a lot about the good things and also all the bad things that this so-called relationship which is a spiritual process has to offer to those who are involved in especially the empaths that are involved in this process but i keep mentioning about our own issues that are reflected to the other person but we have to remember that there is also a narcissist in that story the one side is the empath and the other one is the narcissist and they are really really dangerous if we don't know how to control our emotions our thought patterns and especially in that relationship the dynamics and the energies are so strong that can lead to delusion attachment addictions of all kinds and many people are trapped in that process instead of elevating and moving on with their life so

today i want to speak to you

i want you to know that if you are in any kind of relationship that is abusive and they don't respect you no matter what the lesson is you don't deserve to be treated like that i never had any fights with my twin flame um we had a really wonderful relationship but suddenly she started avoiding to reply to my messages she was playing a double game with her ex and i had no clue about it she was constantly lying to me and the game was so strong that kept me believing that she was so special and i had to be around her which of course as i said in my previous videos the plutonian energies that are in our natal chart configuration pluto affects us in such a powerful way which creates delusions and other people can manipulate us sexually emotionally financially and when i met her it was during a period of time where pluto

was strongly influencing me

but i felt my intuition warning me but due to all that energy dynamics and due to all that push and pull bubble phase attraction i couldn't resist from keep on chasing her or forgiving her no matter what she was doing and the point is at that time i had no clue about twin flames but when she came for the last time she told me that we are twin

during that time i didn't want to hear about literally anything because i was so broken so devastated everything i loved kept running away from me the organization and the company i created that time felt apart my life i lost all of my money i went homeless at one point

i also got sick because of all these ups and downs all during the period of the runner and chaser

i went sick emotionally and physically such a way that it took me three years to recover and she came here one day before my birthday

just to announce to me that she was living for another country no emotions no regrets she never regrets anything narcissists they don't feel anything they don't feel remorse they play games and even if they belong in the twin flame process and even if that is somehow spiritual nobody deserves such a treatment

you don't deserve to be treated in that way and if you did some mistakes in the past and this is just a reflection or karma or anything forgive yourself change don't hurt other people but also you don't deserve to be treated like that from anyone and the problem is that the label that we put to that person creates an addiction it makes them so special which is difficult for us later to move on with our life and we want to have them back but of course that's not what we must we have to do we have to move on and for me and for all the twin flames is really really difficult because you remember all the good times which belongs to the honeymoon effect psychological aspect of attraction and addiction along with the stockholm syndrome as i said so many times but the key here is if you manage to move on with your life and realize what happened for real and that it's okay for you to have a healthy relationship with a normal person and to be able to remove any labels from any circumstance or relationship then you grow so strong so powerful that you can endure anything in your life because the twin flame process is so hard it's so cruel so deep so relentless if you manage to remove your victimization which keeps you there

to remove all these energies of addiction that you have towards that person be able to love all people like with the same intensity without labeling things and i love world i love this thing more than that then you will slowly become god you will return back to your souls which is eternal love without attachments without expectations without judgmental behaviors so today i want you to remember that no matter what you're going through

you must love yourself more than expecting others to love you the way you must love yourself which is unconditional you need to protect yourself from anyone no matter what the label is because these kind of behaviors

are not suitable to exist in our life for more than five seconds you have that experience okay i mean we are gonna have some things in our life that are not gonna be okay but being there remaining there it will only make things worse take the lesson be a better person be moral be ethical support other people in their journey but also realize that if you are in such a relationship when someone avoids you runs away from you with no reason and if you insist running behind them this is a sign of victimization of childhood traumas that you need to resolve in order to respect yourself enough to claim the love you truly deserve

to throw out of your life all these behaviors and all these people

and uh i promise you life is going to be better if you start claiming the love you truly deserve if you start raising safe boundaries you are going to have a life of worthiness acceptance communication enthusiasm love and all the wonderful things that you deserve take the lesson learn from that and remember there are no false twin flames

if you are in such a relationship that person that we call twin flame turns into a narcissist because this is their purpose due to our own issues also but because they are also like that stop blaming them stop blaming yourself forgive them forgive yourself but claim what you truly deserve without hurting them without hurting others without hurting yourself we all deserve love and today

one day before my birthday

this is my message for you

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