Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Truth About The Number 555



Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessings my beautiful friends how you doing today it is the day we are talking about the most powerful number in synchronicities and this is the number five five five if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified when i post a new video and also click the like button because it helps other people see the video and benefit from i said in the introduction powerful number here the number five in taro symbolizes a change a big change or curing in our lives and the number 555 is the only one that actually has one solid meaning because all the other numbers can have two to three different aspects when we are trying to combine even the numbers and find what the universe tries to warn us about or where it guide us but the number five five five is only about changes but it has two aspects when we're talking about changes first something is going to change in our lives no matter if we wanted or not so it is inevitable and the other aspect that is we have to change something and we have the free will to choose to change it or just go with our ego mind and we are not allowing the highest self to put that new information in our life like you need to change that but no no no i'm not gonna create uh drinking alcohol right now because i enjoy that oh i'm not gonna quit smoking right now because it makes me feel relaxed and you keep with your previous egoic lower self habitual pattern but the universe is there to warn us and guide us no matter if we like it or not so when you see five five five it's time for you to look around and ask yourself what am i doing right now is it beneficial for me my life and other people are my actions hurting people or myself do i do something wrong right now am i doing something wrong right now that i need to change am i going to meet someone during the day that i need to take care of what am i going to say or is it going to happen anything wrong if i am going to meet with that person or am i going for a job interview today and i need to take care of what i'm going to say or if there is something negative i shouldn't react to it and just let that job go and look for something else because this happened in my personal life each time i saw the number five five five something happened almost immediately my life which i had to change or my behavior or my attitude towards that specific subject let's say i was looking for a certain job and i was thinking oh this kind of a job is good for me but later on i discovered that that wasn't my ideal job so i changed how i was thinking about what is good for me to be in my life regarding job or even relationships and actually one day when i was walking in the street because i do daily walk for seven years right now i heard the sound of a car like someone was playing with the brakes of that car and it had a red plate which is not normal in our country with the number five five five and it was really really obvious guess what ten minutes later a friend came by we went to his house he changed immediately to somebody completely different and he revealed to me a part of his character he was hiding all of his life and of course i removed him immediately from my life and blessings came after i removed that person from my life so sometimes if you get that message don't be afraid observe change remove things change habits change thought patterns change your current emotions and guess what the universe gives you science because it's you and you love yourself the universe is your higher version of yourself and loves you even right now you don't love yourself your higher self your actual version of your true genuine self the spiritual part of you loves you and if you follow the advice and if you follow that change pardon which number five five five gives to us you're going to have blessings coming in your life so i wish to you each time you see five five five go and do that change be bold don't be afraid the universe wants us to keep moving on and stagnation will not lead us anywhere so if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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