Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The 3 Major Traps Of The Matrix Reality And How To Use Them In Your Advantage



Text taken from YouTube subtitles 

Greetings and blessings beautiful friends how you doing in this life we go through a lot of tests in order for us to grow and become more loving more capable at handling our or energies thoughts emotions and actions but we are under three major traps that keep us away from further prosperity health and the love we truly deserve if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified when i post a new video and also click the like button because it helps with the algorithm of youtube so other people can see that and benefit from today i'm going to show to you the three major traps of the matrix and the ways for you to go out of there and have prosperity love and the health you truly deserve the first trap is time yes time and i'm going to explain to you right away you see you're going out there and you're helping people you are doing so many beautiful things for your fellow human beings for mother nature you are creating uh valuable material for other people but you are not receiving you're waiting and you're waiting and time goes by but you're not receiving so the mind begins to talking to you like you know you are giving or you are not receiving and this is not good this is not right so many people also go back to their old selves because they are trying many things but they don't have results because you see time it is actually a really powerful medium for our personal growth you need time let's say somebody wants to go to the olympics and starts running he wants to become a runner if he could manage to do that in one day everyone in this world will be runners time is needed to build up patience to build up muscle to help us grow spiritually mentally physically and also time is needed to test our loyalty and loyalty to our current moral structural and ethical structure because if someone does good things to get something in return it means that they're not doing it out of love so the universe brings the time to test us so if you're doing something good and you're not receiving be patient don't observe that you're not receiving yet remember time is needed for everything not only for your good actions or your good deeds perhaps you are trying your work and you're not getting results relax allow time to go by and keep on doing and momentum will eventually build up and the results you are seeking they're gonna come but allow time to help you grow to help you learn more get more skills and eventually become the one you want to be so the first prop is time and be patient and keep on doing what you are doing from your heart from the deepest part of your own psyche do it with passion do it with love and keep on grinding and eventually your efforts will have results the second and one of the most powerful traps is of the religion religion created unfortunately the belief that there is some kind of a force or a bearded whitebeard guy above in the sky who cares about you and he is going to help you or he is going to do things for you which of course this is wrong you are the one who can love yourself and others you are the one who is responsible for the creation of your own reality and that belief takes away your responsibility the sensation of power within you because if you feel powerful enough you're going to control your thoughts and your emotions and you're going to create the reality that you really want but if you believe in a higher force that is going to do the things for you you're always going to be in a waiting mode waiting for a force to give love to you to send you money to find all the good things in life and put it in front of you and you keep waiting and praying and by going into that stage of consciousness you are giving your power away of course there is love as an energy in the universe which is you as also fear so you are responsible for every thought for every action and for every creation you are now experiencing no matter how hard it is for you to believe that but the problem with the religion is let's say you have been in an abusive family and you never had love in your life and at the age of 17 18 19 20 you're seeking for a relationship and because of the religion you start praying for the god please god i've been abused and i never had love in my life i don't know because you are loving you're going to send that to me but of course the totally uh different happens in your life so the totally opposite happens right now in your life and a toxic person appears in your life because you see you create based on your emotions based on your previous experiences and if you don't heal and if you don't take their time needed for you to heal yourself to grow be more responsible in your thoughts actions behaviors habitual patterns then none of these god concepts can help you because you create that reality but because we believe that there is some kind of compassion out there and that is a big figure with beard and and he's going to help us because we've been abused we never had love so normally that compassionate power that beautiful loving god will come to aid us to help us know the universe will only work when we put the attention when we put the work when we come in alignment with the silence which resides within everything which it is the main power of creation along with the attention emotion and proper thought so if we are going out there and begging for a power to help us because we never had money or because we never had love and we think that loving force is going to do that for us guess what we're going after our desires with the emotion of luck because i didn't have that so maybe the god is going to give it to me no if you go after anything with the sensation of lacking it of not having it or that you never had it and there is some force that is going to give it to you guess what the totally opposite is going to happen but things are going to come negative people more poverty because you need to learn to control the god false that resides within you take responsibility love yourself learn how to heal be more courageous be more powerful and take responsibility and eventually that loving force which is within you will work for you and the third truck it is our subconscious and unconscious functions you see the life is ruled by 97 percent of our subconscious activities and because we work mainly in beta waves with our conscious mind we keep walking walking people do two jobs three jobs but they don't get the money and then they come in frustrated and they react like this is not the life i expected i keep walking and they get mad with the god i said before because they expect from a higher force which actually that higher force it is a subconscious mind so people they try to get into relationships and they fail they work work hard they put a lot of effort based on their conscious mind but because in their early childhood they learn from their mother and their father that life is hard you have to work too many hours and you want to get just a tiny portion of what you deserve and they repeated that where you were young into your own mind and they kept repeating that it's difficult for us now to go for grocery shopping or i can't buy that for you right now we don't have the money etc etc so they put that information within you and you now you are an adult and you are trying hard but your subconscious mind goes in the way and even if you are working five jobs a day it will be impossible for you to make money if you are not going deep within your psyche daily and put a new information there that is going to support that new state of being that you are trying to bring in your life and make more money or have a healthy relationship if you were in an abusive family and you want to
have a wonderful new relationship you need to fix your subconscious mind this is the way you need to daily affirm i deserve love i am giving love and i'm receiving love you see everything is based on the unconscious subconscious activity so stop giving attention to your conscious mind like i'm walking too much or i'm a good person but i don't get the love and instead say i work but i receive i can work less but because of my skills i can earn more and i'm so happy and grateful right now that i'm earning more money because of the new state of consciousness that i acquired i am so happy and grateful that i now have a wonderful loving relationship because i deserve that because i fix my mental state and because i am worthy enough to have all the love of the world so remember allow the time for you to grow and learn more remember that there is no such thing as an external force but it's an internal force and you have to take responsibility of your thoughts and actions and use your subconscious mind to benefit you instead of sabotaging you learn to daily repeat because subconscious is trained by repetition and emotion repeat the new state of consciousness you want to acquire the new life as it already happens right right now you are rich you are giving love and you are receiving love you're having an amazing wonderful relationship keep doing these things and life will turn into a wonderful heaven if you love my video subscribe to my channel and i will see your upcoming videos stay tuned.

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