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The Art of Revision & It's Traps - Neville Goddard's Manifestation Techniques



Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessings my beautiful friends how are you doing neville goddard taught us a lot of wonderful and beautiful methods in order to successfully manifest our goals and desires today we are talking about the art of revision if you're new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified when i post a new video and also click the like button because it helps other people see their video and benefit from you see the art of revision is when we are called to revise a sin of something that already happened in the past or just right now into our preferred version of the reality that we want to experience so let's say you had a phone call from a company that you applied for a job and they say to you that they already have their personnel right now that place is filled and they are going to call you when they have an open place for you to go but you want to go there you want to have a job you want that money so you go into a meditative state you relax your body you relax yourself you go from beda to alfa waves and you hear that phone call in your own preferred way in the way you want to experience your reality you hear them telling you that you are already hired and you can go to work on monday this is the technique but today i'm going to talk to you about something people miss you see the universe most of the times gives to us a version of a reality that we don't want right now but it does that for two reasons first it creates that version of that reality because our higher self the universe wants to protect us from future unwanted events or what we go after is not meant to be for our highest good but also it gives us that version of the reality because we don't believe enough that good things that can happen to us or we don't feel worthy enough so because of our free will we affect the quantum field of infinite possibilities and it reflects back to us as a mirror what we believe about ourselves or about other people and circumstances in an unconscious and subconscious way so what are we supposed to do in that case let's say your lover left you abandon you most of the people out there and there are also many groups and forums regarding going after your ex or manifesting a specific person i'll tell you one thing if someone abandoned you and left you it means two things they have their own issues and the other thing is that you have your own issues and they got tired of you and they run away or they want to go back to their ex they are narcissists they are whatever they are so they run away from you no matter what you are experiencing right now a stage of abundant of neglection and by running back to them behind them seeking for them it will give the signal to the universe that it's okay for you to have such people in your life so you got to be careful another thing perhaps the job you're looking for is not good enough and there is something better for you to come so here i will interrupt for one second i will tell you one wonderful affirmation for you to use before you start going after a job or anybody else or anything any desire that might not be for you or there's something better and you're going to say divine intelligence i now i'm happily employed by that company or something better or i mean i'm happily married or in a in a happy beautiful relationship with that person or someone better use this in order for you to give the signal to the universe to yourself that perhaps there is something better and i also look for the better things in life that's one key second before you start revising any sin for you not to have any unwanted effects take a moment relax and ask yourself did that person who run away from me is he or is she meant to be in my future life do they give me the support and the love i desire or i deserve or am i feeling unworthy and that happened because of the sensation of unworthiness within me so before revising any sin for any reason take a moment because you know you're powerful enough and you can have that desired object even if the universe tries to warn you or to stop you from going after that person or going to that job or having your desire manifested and many many times people are looking for money but their intention and their underlying issues might lead them to take that money and go to casino and play and gamble and lose their money or they are going to buy drugs or alcohol or they are going to do horrible things so the universe keeps us away from getting that money or going after that relationship for us to be safe because the universe is ourself the higher version of ourselves that is not bound to the earthly needs and desires but it's free from any kind of desire and neediness so it helps us by removing that person from our life by not allowing us to have that job because there is a better job with much more money uh and a better environment that we are going to enjoy but because we are going after that job or that person with neediness because we need money we need love guess what the version of that job is going to be attracted based of the neediness and it's going to create more problems so you have to relax have faith believe in yourself love yourself before you go after any desire so you don't need to revise but revision can also be helpful when we are in a stage that we are trying to believe more in ourselves and we are already working within our psyche within ourselves so when we revise a scene let's make sure that we have a beneficial effect in our life or in someone else's life lately i had a friend who wanted to give to another friend a gift bad uh as a really useful gift for his house because that other guy didn't have the money and also that guy didn't have enough money so when he found that it was a refrigerator actually and i i taught him that technique and the guy who was selling the refrigerator asked for let's say 100 euro and that guy didn't have the money but he wanted to gift that refrigerator to his friend because his friend was in need so he revised that scene and heard that guy that okay take it for free and eventually at the end of the day that guy said to him like take it for free cause you know i'm gonna move i'm gonna change places and if you take it you're gonna make me also a favor of getting rid of that refrigerator and he took it for free because his intention was to help a friend so the art of revision must be used when we are in a place we are about to give love or receive something useful that can be beneficial for us when we are not needy when we are not hurt because if we are hurt and wounded and we are trying to have let's say relationship and we go after people or we seek people to connect with because we want desperately that love that confirmation of how precious we are while we don't believe it that's why we are heard and wounded we're gonna attract narcissists toxic people so before you go after your desire think reasons before you start revising like am i going after that desire because it's going to help me grow if because it's going to help me help other people so if you're about to revise something take a moment don't rush because the universe created that scenario that you are now experiencing because of the two reasons i mentioned before it tries to protect you your higher self tries to protect you or because you are not feeling worthy enough you don't believe enough to yourself take a moment relax work on you and revise only the things that are going to be beneficial for you for your own personal growth and for other people if you love my video subscribe to my channel and i will see you in upcoming videos stay tuned.

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