Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The True Meaning & Significance Of The Number 444


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Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing this video is about the number 444 about its significance in our journey and what the universe tries to warn us or what are the signs which the universe our own self tries to give us in order to move on with our lives and learn from our lessons if you are new to my channel if you feel subscribed click the like button and comment below i am free to enter my latest giveaway of my book manifest fridays number four symbolizes the four elements of creation which immediately gives us the sign of manifestation when we have all the elements as one it means that we bring from the idea world from our thought patterns a tangible manifestation in this reality but beware it doesn't mean that you're gonna get money or you're gonna be famous because i say the word manifestation you are manifesting based also on your fears what you are afraid and what you keep your mind on and your emotions for a certain period of time will come into manifestation and number 444 is also a warning to see where our thoughts and our emotions are invested in our current reality because most of the times we worry and if we worry for prolonged periods of times guess what the universe is going to reflect that worry back to us is going to give us more things to worry about so when you see 444 anywhere take a moment and see where your thoughts and your emotions are now focused but also be aware and this is the second part intuition listen to your intuition because if you feel that something is turning back or is going wrong trust your intuition because it's going to manifest and immediately take action do something if you feel that something is under a thread in your life perhaps you feel that something is going wrong with your car out of the blue like an emotion a sensation intuition take your car to the engineers the mechanic or don't go like a hundred miles away with your car today or or do something about it check your engine uh check your tires perhaps you need more air perhaps you feel the intuition regarding your house and regularly you're not locking the doors but if you feel that intuition before it turns it to manifestation and if that intuition has also intensity of emotion unfortunately it's going to manifest so once you feel that sensation that intuition going on in your life try not to put so much energy take action do something but don't allow it to turn into emotion because if it turns into emotion it will manifest i know that's for sure when you see four four four if you feel something is wrong take action make sure that everything is okay but don't allow any emotion to arise into the surface any fear any worry because it will manifest but also 444 means good things are going to manifest perhaps you've been thinking about um a friend it's been so long for you to see that person and you're walking and you are observing car numbers and car plates four four four random places you see that number on your receipt after you take your coffee you take change for 444 etc etc so perhaps if you've been in a good mood and you've been thinking for that friend or you've been thinking that wouldn't be nice for me to have today like 50 euro out of nowhere 50 dollars like to go and buy shoes and you had that wonderful mood is gonna happen so during the day instead of worrying put more energy into what you would like to experience make it simple but if you feel your intuition warning you about something remember 444 means that now whatever you are feeling whatever the universe gives you signal is going to manifest another thing number four is about being solid so again when it comes to our thoughts and emotions you need to be more solid if you felt like a victim the past years and you feel unworthy and your emotions are all over the place when you see four four four it's time to take these emotions these beliefs these issues and start working and healing yourself in order for you to be more solid like when you are happy to be 100 happy because most of us when we feel happy or excited immediately the past comes and reminds me reminds us that you remember when you've been happy the next day everything went wrong your life was ruined and we are not solid right now in our emotions or in our choices because we carry thought patterns of the past in our own energy field in our own psyche and it affect us and when we want to have like a solid day of gratitude feeling excited and happy guess what at the middle of the day we are going back to the old pattern so when we see 444 it's a sign for us to start working on our issues allow that wrong thought pattern to come but observe it and ask that question what that thought gives to me right now that is beneficial to me is it okay for me to remember the negative days over and over and over again will that help me does that idea support me or my dreams and start healing that because you must learn how to be in a happiness stage in a happy stage in a gratitude and a grateful stage in a solid way not to imitate or to fool yourself i'm happy and i'm great football you have underlying issues and things that you didn't hear because you see you give out to the universe signals of frequency and vibration and you can't fool it you can affirm all day i'm grateful and i'm happy but if you're not if you have all these things running in the background of your unconscious subconscious mind guess what your subconscious mind will sabotage you so when you see 444 take a moment and heal and be more solid to your emotions to your choices and how do you treat yourself and others because if you consider yourself as someone who deserves love you are going to give love to yourself instead of allowing that little voice keep repeating you that you are unworthy or people treat you negative no no you deserve love as also other people deserve love and kindness from you be more solid to your own emotions to how you love others to how you accept love and how happy you are 100 without wobbling if you love my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you on upcoming video stay tuned.

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