Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The True Meaning Of The Number 777



Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessed is my beloved friends how you doing today's video is all about the triple lucky sevens if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified when i post a new video and also click the like button because it helps with the youtube algorithm so other people can see the video and benefit from so during the day if you are observing this triple number 777 the lucky sevens let's say you're walking a car passes by 777 you're getting a receipt from the coffee you just bought and you get back seven dollars and 77 cents then the first message that the universe tries to deliver to us is that we are about to receive help or a wonderful present or a wonderful manifestation especially from someone who belongs in our karmic family which means that once we received the help we needed the gifts required for us to move out from a stagnated stage like we are now in a state of poverty and we received support from these people or knowledge or money or anything once we elevate and we go out of that current situation we have to bless these people and let them go it is associated with manifestation of support but also with our karmic family and it is really important to bless these people because they appeared in our life when we were in that particular vibration so it means that once we want to move on and our vibration gets higher and higher and our frequency reaches higher levels we need to let go everyone and everything that is in a lower state it's not their fault this is their measure they appear in our life to help us and then move on the second thing when you see triple seven is to immediately claim your luck claim your present which means pick up the phone reach out to a friend of you and perhaps they want to meet you but they are shy they think about it and the universe wants us to take action and by taking some action or even you can buy a lottery you can go somewhere that you can meet new people perhaps your karmic family awaits you somewhere that you've never been before so take some action and claim that luck because universe loves movement it gives to the universe the sign that we are claiming what we truly deserve so if you have been in a stagnant situation and you are waiting for that miracle to happen or you did some things you tried you worked it means that present and that help arrived it is there but you need to claim it you need to speak out loud and affirm that what i want right now it comes in my life easily and effortlessly and i am now reaching out for it i am now claiming my divine right to have prosperity love and health and i'm after that so go out there and make moves take action go after i don't know you must go to a party perhaps you're going to meet someone there perhaps you need to go for a long walk you never know by staying home and only observing synchronicities will never help you you always and always must take action regarding to the number that you are observing and in the case of 7 7 7 it is a wonderful gift out there waiting for you to claim it the third thing which the number 777 signifies it is the dream world we spend most of the time dreaming of what we want to bring in our life this is not visualization when you are dreaming about something it remains in the quantum field of infinite possibilities and it awaits for certain emotion energy and action and also belief in order for it to come so perhaps you're dreaming about something which can come in your life the universe allows that particular manifestation to come into a full realization in your life but you are not taking action you don't believe enough and you don't feel it so it remains in the dream state so when you see 777 get happy take action believe because it is there your present is there the luck is there for you to claim it so if you are dreaming about let's say you you want to go for a journey or you want to meet a wonderful person take action because it is there the synchronicity gives us the sign that what we are dreaming of it's there and we have the permission from the universe to go out and claim it so if you are one of these lucky guys that you are observing triple sevens in your life you are about to receive a wonderful present so take action be open believe and move on with your life much more prosperous loved and healthier than ever before if you are new to my channel and if you love my videos feel free to subscribe and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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