Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Weak Will Always Excuse Themselves

  Those who are weak they will always excuse their actions. If they fuck it up they will blame others, if they hurt animals they will tell you that a God put them here for us to eat them, if they are unable to be financially stable they will blame government or their parents, if you ask them about their religion they will fight you to the ground while they have no idea what they believe or what purpose their religion actually serves. They always have a reasoning for each of their weaknesses.

  I admire those who at least admit that what they do is an act of weakness and stupidity and a state of ignorance, everyone does something wrong at a point of their life, but at least be smart enough to admit it and don't look like a fool trying to cover your mistakes with a bunch of nonsensical excuses.

 And because I never encouraged that kind of stupidity people called me intimidating, harsh, raw, aggressive.

  And believe me I LOVE WHO I AM.

  I will never sugar coat your pathetic lies and insecurities. I will never pat your back and congratulate you while you make a fool of your self. I saw many people pretending to be people of Light that at the same time had nothing to do with morals and ethics. And I will never accept a lie to pretend to be the truth.

  Am I selfish? Yes, go ahead and label me.
But I call my self REAL. And believe me, almost all of you will never accept the truth. Because the sweet voice of your ego will keep telling you "go ahead eat that kebab" "oh she hurt me so it will be ok if I do that to her too" "one small lie is better than causing bigger troubles", "oh lets say to Alex how wrong he is for not comforting our stupidity".

  Do you want me to change and act like everything is ok?
Well NO. Change your self, elevate higher and grow a pair so your words will match your actions. And if you are out there pretending to teach others about morality and Light and you still didn't learn simple respect and discipline of Ego, then you are a big, lying, hypocrite.

Now try to find words to express your hate on my point of view. There are so many things to say to judge me but guess what, I will not give a flying fuck. I came here for the animals, the children, those who have the balls to admit their mistakes and change. The rest? You belong to the background noise and its time for all of us to experience the beauty of silence.

#AlexFtoulis #MagnumOpus #LaughingSocrates #my33

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