Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The "Breakthrough Sessions" by IamVIP

This session was designed for all those people who feel stuck in life and they seek an immediate breakthrough!

This coaching and support session was created for all those who need an immediate relief from their current limiting situations,and for all those who seek answers to their problems in a way that they will understand, and also be able to act right away, bringing solutions and clarity to their situation right away.
  • Do you feel stuck in life?
  • Are you suffering from chronic conditions where classic medicine is unable to help?
  • Are you always struggling with money and prosperity?
  • Did you try all the manifestation methods you know but nothing works?
  • Are you feeling depressed? Did you loose your motivation and inspiration?
  • Are your relationships always have the same abusive behavioral patterns?

These sessions use 2 of the most effective techniques and protocols which bring immediate and fast results:

  • R.O.P®  protocol (Redirection Of Perception) : This is a new method of psychoanalysis, but at the same time acts as a tool to help the client understand and see clearly the root cause of his main problems and the reasons behind his current situation. By using a variety of probabilities based on our clients psychology, astrology, numerology and active behavioral patterns and belief systems, we are able to pinpoint the root cause of their problems and bring solutions and clarity to them.
  • FSR® & UFI®  protocols: The FSR protocol is an advanced psychoanalysis tool able to track down unconscious limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns which block your overall progress. With the UFI®  protocol we are able to readjust your overall vibrational state through a series of advanced neurolinguistic exercises in order to break the opposition of your "old" self.

With the Breakthrough Sessions you will:

  • Get FAST results regarding your current problems/situations.
  • Bring clarity to your current situation in an advanced way you never thought possible before.
  • You will discover new solutions and you will be able to apply them right now.

What you will get:

  • A 2 hour personal session with Dr. Alex Ftoulis via videocall or in person. You will also get extra time to track down your progress.
  • You will get the "Breakthrough Custom Program" tailored on your own personal needs and characteristics to start using immediately.
  • You will also receive for FREE the "Ramanti" Meditation/Visualization tool and my book Manifest Fridays. 

WARNING: Once you book your session, we will contact you within 48 hours to personally arrange a time (and/or place) for the session. In case we won't reply in that period of time, we will fully refund the price. Before you book a session with us please read our Terms and Conditions HERE.

© IamVIP Coaching and Project Management Services - Any attempt to copy our products/names/ or services is strictly prohibited.

#AlexFtoulis #MagnumOpus #LaughingSocrates #my33

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