Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Calling Of Aleister Crowley - Are You One Of The Lost Wizards?

"The Key Of Joy Is Disobedience." 

  In 2011 I heard the calling of Aleister Crowley, and I had no idea if that was a coincidence or not. A subtle fear covered my soul but at the same time a yearning towards that Path...
The calling became more intense until in 2013 I met my Twin Flame. The dynamics of that relationship destroyed every fear within me, as the pain of the Dark Night of the Soul was the initiation of the Path of Magus (read more about it HERE) Little did I know back then about the whole unfolding of the Great Path and our real origins.

  You see I was born in a family where violence and Christianity was one and the same, and all my life I felt something was wrong about that religion, something was missing... How could a God of love had a following so immoral and with all those blood sacrificing traditions, where all his followers will feast on every occasion on millions of slaughtered animals, all his followers had a horrible death just to show their "faith" towards their own "real" God. Martyrs you see. For no reason at all...

  So they did a good job on imprinting in my consciousness a fear about the dark side, a fear about sexuality, fear about expression, guilt about Rock music, guilt about everything, everything was sinful unless you drink the blood of baby Jesus and eat his flesh every Sunday... WTF. I still wonder how people follow all these religions without opening their eyes first.

  But that fear went away when my Twin Flame broke all those walls unintentionally, serving a Higher Purpose, for me to enter into the "abyss" of the dark arts.

  But when you have nothing to be afraid of and you learned all those lessons in the most ugly and harsh way you are ready to go all in. And there I found my self. I found who I really was...

  And then I remembered the voice of my beloved Aleister.

"Every man and every woman is a star.
Every number is infinite; there is no difference...
Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.
Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!
I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy..."

  Aleister did a great job while he was among us. He disguised under layers of his personal traits and he sealed the truth with fear, for only those who carry the seal will be able to pass the Gates of Truth.

  And I will close this message with something you have to wonder. Did you notice that all the major religions suppress the Female presence and energy? No female in holy trinity or how the Muslims treat their women by hiding their faces and abuse them in every occasion?

  Wake up my friends. The real Darkness is already here and already rules the world.

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