Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Why Am I Stuck And I See No Progress In My Life? THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

  Almost all of us, at a point in our lives, we feel stuck, nothing works for us, our finances are going from bad to worse, our relationships are fading away, we are left alone and baffled with all sorts of questions in our minds.

"Why do I deserve this? Why this happens to me over and over again?"

  And we get angry, frustrated, everything becomes annoying, 
we start hating on Gods, religions, people, circumstances, you name it.

  And it's ok. It's ok to feel like that, because it pushes us to seek answers. 
And by asking the right answers over and over again we will start moving on.

  Not in the path of our desires or wishes. But in the path of self discovery, self awareness. 
In a path of knowledge and understanding. We get to know how life works. How our energies, thoughts, intentions and actions brought us to that point and how we can actually start shifting eventually our lives after we recognize our behavioral and habitual patterns.

  How by acting, reacting and feeling differently our energetic blueprint will send a completely different signal in the Universe in order for our reality to change.

  And we go from "I am stuck, nothing works for me" to the statement of "I am now in the process of becoming aware of my self and I am now slowly but steadily moving on with my life."

  And one day this state-ment becomes our own state-of-being.
A new self. The NEW desired self who has all the things we ever wished for.

Because the old you wasn't able to come along in your journey.

My friends, I want you to realize this.

  If you really want to progress in your life and have the things you wish for, like more money, better relationships, better health, a better overall life, you can't have this while remaining the same.

  You need to change and embrace change with all your being.
Don't be afraid to push through your old boundaries.
Remove the egoic patterns of perception which keeps you bound to your old self.

  "Kill the old man" as Neville Goddard used to say.
Expand, and allow your dreams to become reality.
Because you really deserve to have the beauty of life and to experience 
all your desires and dreams coming to life.

You are a worthy being of Life. Grow. Shine. You are Gods.

I am Alex "AnG3L" Ftoulis and that is my message to you.

#AlexFtoulis #LaughingSocrates #MagnumOpus #VIPcoaching #my33 #AstrogenesisRoom

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