Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Magick 101: Planetary Hours and Their Magnificent Powers

  "I am presenting you the new Magick 101 series! Here I will unfold my personal knowledge on Magic and Occultism in a "easy to understand way" so everyone can taste the unbelievable science behind Magic. I will post randomly the main elements and tools of interaction of the Wizard (Microcosm) with the Universe (Macrocosm) and the science behind that. I will though, keep, for the safety of everyone, the dark part of this science hidden from public access." - Alex "Angel" Ftoulis

Planetary Hours
(When each hour has certain attributes and powers) 

  The ancient ones, in order to accurately calculate the planetary hours, they used to start counting when the sun was rising, so if it was Sunday early morning it was the Sun's first hour. If it was Monday, at sun rise it would be the first hour of Moon, so on and so on. So when they wanted to practice certain activities or magic, they would choose the most proper hour according to the theme of the work they were about to do.
  So if for example were about to do a spell for love, the best hour and day to do that it would have been Friday (Venus), on the Venus hour.

The sequence of the planetary hours goes like this:

Sun (Sunday) 
Venus (Friday) 
Mercury (Wednesday) 
Moon (Monday) 
Jupiter (Thursday)
Mars (Tuesday) 

Sun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty – making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss, authorities.

Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals / exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamental; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments; seeking favors from women.

Mercury Hours: Success in studies / communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching / learning; important business letters / phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying / selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications / interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.

Moon Hours: Health; home (buying home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or takeoff); activities remote in time or space – meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from other, wife, employees.

Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.

Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).

Mars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.