Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The 3 Major Red Flags Of Twin Flame Concepts People Choose To Ignore (Trigger WARNING)


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Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how are you doing today we are going to talk about twin flames and three of the major traps people fall in because they believe that this is just a romantic relationship if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the like button and comment below i am free to enter my latest giveaway of my book manifest fridays people nowadays have been divided in two groups those who support the twin flames just a romantic spiritual relationship and those who have been awakened to the truth that this is just a process to help us ascend to higher levels of consciousness by removing unresolved karma the first and the major trap is that people are already in relationships they're already married and they already have their own family and out of the blue that someone special appears out of nowhere and it uses the bubble face intense love which makes people abandon their husbands their lovers because they feel safety they feel that the old is about to be removed but this is unethical and immoral and twin flames are there to test us in order for us to recognize how able we are to stand our ground how loyal and royal we are and why at the first place we have been in relationship that or marriages that didn't work people when they find something new that has intensity that has whatever is lacking from what we are currently been through our current relationship our current marriage perhaps we seek more adventure more excitement and that new guy or girl gives us or even a glimpse of what we desire and unfortunately many light workers fail to stun their ground and they excuse their actions under the label of twin flame but remember twin flame is just a big test that hurts us tests us but helps us grow even more the second reason and the second trap that people fall in and fail to prove their integrity towards themselves and others is the runner stage at one point the twin flame goes away with no reasoning no excuse they disappear and they do that when you have no fight no argument but they suddenly disappear out of the blue and people start chasing them we call it in our school of thought silent treatment and this appears in narcissistic behaviors when someone runs away from you and they don't reply to your messages they don't answer their phone they treat you like that silent treatment and it is a very important stage for us to recognize that something is wrong but because of the new age communities they excuse that and they put in that stage so many labels that confuses people and creates more victimization more lack of self-love and self-worthiness we lose our ground because we don't feel worthy anymore and we run after those who abuse us neglect us abandon us because we believe this is a spiritual thing a very huge mistake and another mistake is in the new age communities they say start healing yourself for another person to come and as i said in my previous videos this is wrong because it's based on egoic mindsets and not in the mindset of love you are not going to heal yourself to bring someone back you you heal yourself because you love yourself and you have to learn to raise safe boundaries to also heal your own narcissistic traits that are being reflected through other people and circumstances because perhaps you have been through an abusive childhood by a narcissistic mother so instead of running after someone anyone because we call it twin flame it can be narcissist anything a person and labeling makes things worse at that point instead of running after an abuse and abuse here and a person who is toxic we have to take a moment and guess why this happen again and how to stop it by healing ourselves learn our lesson help others also learn their own lessons and move away from anything that is against love because once we keep running after toxic people we give the signal to the universe that this is what we want and the gap grows bigger and it's impossible in our life to have healthy relationships and the third trap is that of the union people out there in order to make money they came up with the idea that it is okay for us as a couple to advertise ourselves that we are twin flames and we are in some kind of a romantic union in order to sell their own programs to promote their blogs their websites make more money because there is no such thing as a union in twin flames union happens only when you are in your last reincarnation you have no need for sexual connection because you overcame the bodily needs and you are already in the spiritual realm while you are in the 3d environment it is good to have a healthy sexual relationship with someone who cares for you someone who can communicate with you and someone that is meant to have a romantic healthy relationship it's okay i said it a lot of times i'm not against to having a wonderful relationship with an amazing partner but when it comes to someone that came in our life to deliver a lesson to help us grow because they decided you decided between you and the your twin flame in the fifth dimension of thinking that in this reincarnation i'm going to hurt you and teach you how to receive boundaries and to not repeat the same mistakes each and every time they came to deliver a lesson the union is a stage that happens within us we unite the masculine and the feminine energy that they were not balanced before and we balance that in order to connect the heart energy with the mind energy and be able to manifest a better life for us and mother earth and all of its creatures the union happens within us we unite both of the energies of feminine and masculine we unite our hearts with our minds in order for us to have a healthy coherence and be able to manifest with no resistance a better future for us and everyone around us this is the only union but people because of the intensity of the love they seek to have a connection i also did that but i was lucky enough that i had some knowledge and i was lucky enough that when i was with my twin flame we were talking about these things even before we know we knew that we were twin flames we were talking about our mission and our purpose here on earth it hurt me when she left and i wandered and i run just for a while and then i realized the true meaning of her own mission towards my life and my own mission towards her life in this reality so if you are in any stage be patient i know how you feel it's not easy if it was easy it wouldn't have this amazing results of removing karma and growing wiser and more powerful and allow the union to happen within you take the time to go after to go away from the dark knight of the soul heal yourself help others stand on your ground be moral be ethical be the light worker you are meant to be and help others ascend in a loving beautiful way avoid the traps have a healthy relationship with someone else have a soul mate twin flames are there to test us so we can see who are the real lightworkers in this dimension and who are those who are moving ahead and also don't blame and never judge your twin flame bless them let them go they deliver their lesson thank them but focus on yourself love yourself i hope you like my videos if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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