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A Famous Neville Goddard's Manifestation Technique (And It's Unexpected Side Effects)


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Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing most of you perhaps you already know neville goddard and his amazing manifestation techniques today i'm going to talk about one particular technique of his and its crazy side effects that i observed lately if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the like button and leave a comment below i am free to enter my weekly giveaway with my latest book manifest fridays this particular technique is the one that you are hearing a friend of you affirming to you and congratulating you just before you go to sleep as you that you already got what you were dreaming about what you have been after for so long a promotion a raise a new car a new house a new girlfriend and they congratulate you i used this technique in the past with amazing results but i also noticed something really really crazy many of these friends i used to visualize with they suddenly disappeared from my life and with crazy excuses that i wouldn't ever think possible for them to come to me with that excuse and just go away from my life out of the blue but it happened and i'm going to explain to you why this happens you see you're manifesting for a future timeline which includes a different version of yourself which you are going to be in a different frequency and vibration if someone in your life is not meant to be there in that future timeline perhaps they came in your life to deliver a lesson and they are going away or perhaps they are not able to raise yet their vibration to meet you in that particular desire or timeline that you want you want a new house but they are going to be envy of you because they are not yet able to do that by themselves so the universe in order for us to have successful manifestations always creates what we call the vacuum effect it removes anything anyone and any habit that will contradict your future desire in order for it to create space for the new things to come new friends new habits new ways of thinking new beliefs etc etc so if you're trying to manifest by using this particular technique take a moment and think will he or she be able to raise their vibration and be with me in that future timeline do they share the same dreams as i do are they envious and jealous of me right now or even in the future ask a set of questions and always be cautious use people that are not envious of you they don't judge you they don't have particular specific expectations of you and they love you unconditionally this can be your mother your father a sister or a brother but if you don't have anyone don't try to force that technique by using any person that you are not sure that at the end of the day are going to be in your future life so next time you are you're trying to manifest something in your life going deep silence relax your body relax your muscles and allow yourself to be totally with all of your senses in that future picture and try in that relaxed state to observe everything around you and perhaps you are also going to see who is going to be there but you have to reach an alpha state and also the best is the theta state and that is going to reveal to you a lot of keys by only meditating using all of your senses in a future timeline where your desire is with your new and better version of yourself and immerse yourself with all of your senses in that specific image and don't try to force anyone to be there with you to affirm you that you already did that instead when you are in that silent state affirm that to yourself i did it i already got that house i'm so happy i am now with this wonderful companion in my life and i have this amazing time also you can use the other technique of neville goddard isn't that wonderful isn't that wonderful that i am now in this beautiful house with that infinity pool with that amazing fireplace sitting here eating this wonderful food or hearing this amazing music use the senses say isn't it wonderful and try to remove the necessity of having anyone affirming to you to make sure that your dream is going to be realized by you soon if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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