Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Why Did You Meet Your Twin Flame? ( Video )

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  As a genuine Twin Flame my self and the author of Laughing Socrates, it's my duty to clear the misconceptions people have about this holy and sacred but also rough process of consciousness expansion. If you are still in the process, confusion, doubt and feelings of abandonment, a ton of triggers are going to be there, as long as you are not taking the lessons, grow and move on. This is a process designed to test the strongest ones, in each and possible level of ones psyche. From the Runner and Chaser stage to the Dark Night of the Soul, this is not for the average human being.

  So why did you have to go through this stage? Wasn't all that you 've been through so far enough for your spiritual process? What good lies in more pain?

  The ability to find whats good in rough situations as a Twin Flame relationship or the death of a loved one, is what will gives us the ability to see beneath the veil of the illusion of life, even if it hurts like a b#$ch. 

 In the following video I am explaining 2 of the main reasons you had to go through this magical but also cruel process for all those people who are left abandoned and confused, in my attempt to sooth your pain and give you a reason to move on in life.

  After all life is a big lesson and we are here to become masters of it. My love to you dear Twins.

Text was copied from YouTube subtitles

  Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing the most difficult thing in a twin flame relationship is the realization of why this happened to me again why did i have to go through this why do i deserve such things happening in my life because you see when you meet your twin flame at first everything is so intense so beautiful so magical so many synchronicities you have so many wonderful moments like the bubble face and at one point all hell breaks loose we have the runner and chaser phenomenon which as i explained many times is the silent treatment in a narcissistic behavior and you feel all the abandonment issues you start wandering doubting uh stop hating the other person and loving and then hating and it's a rollercoaster of emotions that for many people takes even years so today i'm going to explain two main reasons why people are going through this rare process it's not a relationship because people try to seed as a relationship and this is the first trap because if you try to see a process from a point of like a romantic wonderful amazing relationship then you're going to fall in the trouble of the honeymoon effect where you are only focusing on those moments that were actually beautiful and wonderful and you are keep forgetting to see the red flags so the first reason light workers are going through this phenomenon is because of the karmic release you see we come here because we have to learn more lessons we have to experience more things that we didn't do in our previous lives we have to pay off some karma some bad deeds we did in previous lives and learn to be more compassionate more loving and one with the universe and this process is so intense so cruel so deeply involved in the emotional aspect that helps you once you realize that this is a process and you have to learn things it helps you remove so much karma that is impossible to do that in 20 lifetimes this is why you are going also through the dark knight of the soul as i explained in my articles in laughing socrates where i guide thousands of twin flames for many years this process is so cruel so heavy upon your own emotions your own psyche which induces the dark knight of the soul in order for you to become more compassionate because once you allow yourself not to feel hate for your twin flame or to see the other person as an abuser you are evolving spiritually and you are releasing the old the old karma and this allows you to move and transcend from dimensions dimension higher levels of frequency and consciousness much easier because you are not carrying burdens of judgment because we came into this process because first perhaps we had narcissistic parents perhaps we had a negative childhood or we've been through so many negative experiences and we developed a kind of judgmental behavior towards other people and we are going through the twin flowing process in order to realize that it is necessary for us to allow love to exist without judgment second first of all it was the karmic release and the second is the main reason that people are coming into this life and it's the game of energies you see you create all the time through your unique frequency identity as i name it UFI in my one of my protocols i use for my vip coaching the UFI protocol which is your unique frequency identity is what creates all the time you create through your frequency through your vibration through your belief system which induces this vibration through your expectation through your assumption through your judgmental behaviors so twin flames because they are so heavy in energy exchange uh in the emotional aspect you have to learn to control your energies and your energies are controlled through your belief system through the way you perceive the world so instead of watching the other people as enemies or observing them as uh on pieces of the reality that will work in a negative way towards you and you shift that into believing and expecting into something positive coming from them perhaps is a lesson perhaps their own presence will help you will motivate you change and when you shift your perception and your belief system because you are under these negative energies and they run away from you uh they forget about you they forget about your birthday who you are they forget about all these wonderful things you did together and they suddenly vanish and you need to control because if you don't control these energies you are going under depression you want to kill yourself literally and this is why dark knight of the soul is really important because under these heavy energies you learn how to avoid the stream of thought which induces those emotions because everything begins from the thought and thought is go composed by your own perception assumptions etc etc so this is the second lesson the lesson of life of controlling energies and the twin flame process is so cruel is so deep then deeply involved in the emotional aspect in order for you to learn how to control your thought your emotions and be better at the mission that you came into this reality to perform which is transforming your own consciousness leveling up your vibration and helping other people to do the same i hope you like my videos if you like my videos subscribe to my channel hit the thumbs up button leave a comment below and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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