Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Coronavirus Epidemic. An Eye For An Eye.

  Before Saturn moves into Aquarius in March 21 and give as a glimpse of what is about to follow after December, he is teaching humanity a lesson, a lesson that many will remember for years to come.

 People are in their majority unconscious of their actions due to the most ancient and evil programming that is now coming to an end. People called animals "meat" and found excuses in Bible and nonexistent quotes to eat and destroy the beauty of the Cosmos which is the holy creation of All.

  People are abusing each other in the name of religions, they still abuse women in many countries due to old rotten ideologies and in general we are in a stage of our evolution that animals are way more moral, ethical and balanced than us, while we are the ones who carry what is called "logic".

   Even in Bible in Genesis 1:29 it says "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." But the programming of Archons and the continuation of it by the elite, had people thinking from their urges and their vulnerabilities, creating a circle of Karma where you are called to enjoy all these wonderful and tasty corpses, you are called to judge other people in the name of religion, sports, politics and so on and at the end of the day when the Law of Karma gets your ass, they will supply you with all these wonderful drugs so you can escape your reality and after a while when cancer knocks your door, they will happily provide you with a variety of chemicals and chemotherapies for you TO BE WELL.

  Yet almost the 80% of the population is following blindly this circle of abuse, that is not focused only on others but also on ones self and thats the irony. 

  Hey here have a cigarette to enjoy with this drink, while you are about to cheat your lover in this club, and after you can enjoy this tasty corpse smashed between these two layers of bread and its going to be fine, because later on you can "confess" your sins to a priest, and suddenly you are going to be forgiven so you can repeat again all these beautiful activities of yours.

  "Yeah Alex but God put these animals for us to eat, plants have feelings too, and nobody is perfect, and this happens for so many years, and viruses are created by humans, so governments can create fear and panic and blah blah blah."

  In my 38 years of presence in this planet I heard so many stupid excuses from all those who are trying to do their best to avoid the true nature of their actions and their realities, by blaming others and coming up with all those nonsensical excuses in order to feel better while they abuse each and every thing in their path.

  We are governed by 2 major energies in this Cosmos. Love and Fear. And if you are causing endless fear to billions of innocent animals and human beings, in the name of your programming, in the name of your belly or because your daddy taught you to hunt (like there is not enough food in the supermarket already), and in the name of your religions and stupidity, guess what. Fear will knock your door one day and no matter how many priests you are going to call, or Saints or Gods, nothing will happen, because your illusionary world will collapse in front of the truth. 

  A truth that you avoid all of your life. A truth that was always there in front of you but you kept looking the other way. because eating this corpse was so tasty for you, cheating and hurting others was better than accepting your companion with their imperfections, cause accepting others political views was unacceptable or even destroying other peoples properties because they belonged in a different sport club was so satisfying! 

  But here we are once more, calling to face the actions and consequences of the majority, hoping in silence than one day people will eventually wake up and unite in one, loving consciousness, protecting mother Earth and each habitat, working as one, as we were supposed to be since day one.

 This lesson though is not only for those who still follow the old programming blindly. But also for the rest who are now being awaken from the slavery of this Matrix and are called to remove the last bits of judgmental and egotistical behavior, something that I also in a way presenting in this article, in my attempt to shake people's beliefs and induce them to judge while they must instead resist this urge and just look within and change what is left.

  And remember. 

  Everything works under the Law. Nothing escapes from the function of the Laws of the Universe. For each effect there was a cause, and now, we are called to face the rage of mother Earth that is after it's number one enemy. 


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