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Magick101: What Is Puppet Healing or Puppet Magic?

  Puppet healing, or puppet magic as it is frequently called, is another form of sympathetic magic. The puppet represents the sick or injured person which the practitioner, or practitioners, wish to help or heal. The ultimate goal is to secure a complete cure for the person.

(Click to read >>> Magick101: What Is Sympathetic Magic )

  The first procedure in puppet healing is the construction of the puppet. The person for whom the puppet is being made is constantly kept in mind during the construction. First, two cloth outlines of the persons are cut out. The outlines are then sewn or embroidered together except for an opening which should be left at the top of the head.

   Next, the puppet is decorated or marked with special characteristics (such as a moustache if it represents a man possessing a moustache, or long hair if it is for a woman with long hair) that resemble that person. These can be marked or embroidered on the puppet as well.

  Also, there should be marked the person’s astrological signs, including the Sun, Moon, and Rising Sun symbols.

  The puppet should represent the person as closely as possible. Also, since this puppet is being used for healing purposes the afflicted area can be marked. For incidence, if the person is recovering from surgery an incision can be marked on the puppet to indicate the surgery. This will attract the practitioner’s attention to the afflicted area. If the person should have an injured leg, foot, or arm, they could be marked.

  Next, fill the puppet with the appropriate herbs that will help the healing process and then sew up the opening at the top. When possible lay the puppet on an altar and/or in a circle. Using visualisation see the circle is filled with a white light which is the goodness and love of the Goddess and the God which surrounds the puppet and it through it and the practitioner is channelled to the person.

(Click to read >>>  Magick101: Visualization. The Power of Gods )

The practitioner may perform any of the healing techniques which have been described on the puppet knowing that the person that it represents is partially or completely healed.

source mystika


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