Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Falling in Love Again After a Twin (or False Twin) Flame Experience

  Many stories are out there describing the intensity of a Twin Flame relationship and the magical aspect of it. As also for the opposite but that for some reason doesn't decrease the power of that connection at all but actually somehow increases it. So the question arises.

Will you be able to love someone again after this unique and out of this world experience?

  Well, that is a question that bothers a lot of people out there especially those rare ones who just came out of this exhausting rollercoaster of endless "why's" as it bothered me also for a long time.

  The answer is quite not as you might expect it to be as it follows the same lines of a Twin Flame relationship.

  You see your Twin Flame is both a reflection of your dark side as also of your most awesome one that you might don't even know yet. So when you meet your awesome YOU in the eyes of your Twin, you get to know something exciting, amazing, thrilling, breath catching, but the first mistake is to attach all these attributes to them and not recognizing them in you. Simply because you never had the chance to get to know this part of you as it was blocked off from years of programming and all sorts of belief patterns.

  So at a first glance, you are falling in love with yourself, but you still don't know this! As this whole process of awakening to the real truth will come only when your Twin Flame will deliver the lesson and start "running" away till they completely vanish (unless there is a Venus Retrograde somewhere and they reappear again!).

  Because only and only then you will start growing to your amazing YOU while trying to overcome the sh*load of depression issues, Dark Nights of the Soul and all these aftermaths of this relationship. While trying to let go and move on

  To be able to love again though completely and in the normal human beautiful and unique way (not in that spiritual "I get to f*ck you all over and leave you" way) it will take some time as you need to go through the healing part (...again) which though will make you even stronger with safer boundaries therefore at the end of the day, when you will put all of this back together and realise that THEM is YOU, you will claim this awesomeness and YES you will be able to love again and find other awesome people and girlfriends and boyfriends. But that's not the point.

  They came in your life to teach you how to properly love and respect yourself as also everyone else, neither you like them or not

  Life doesn't end here. But your Twin Flame belongs and will always belong to a REALLY special place in your heart no matter what. And that's because their presence in your life has a greater purpose and a high significance that your Soul and Being recognizes instantly.

  Don't be afraid to love and get hurt and have all these experiences. Fear is nothing but the opposite of Love. So choose wisely. Don't allow your neediness or your excuses to attract unhealthy or karmic relationships again. Love yourself first completely and then go about loving someone else!

1 comment:

  1. Why leave them in the first place? Twin flames are destiny. ♡
