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Magick 101: Days and Their Powers: Saturday

Saturday (Saturn)

Saturday is the day of Saturn, the day of taking responsibility and getting organised.

For most of us, Saturday is spent catching up on housework, homework and matters in our personal lives and this may be because Saturn helps us to get balanced and grounded.

Saturday is the perfect day to organise yourself for the week ahead and from the week just passed. The energy of the day provides us with the drive to catch up and get ahead.

Saturday’s energy is also perfect for getting things done around the house and being proactive when it comes to things that need addressing or fixing in your personal life as well.

In order to use the energy of Saturday effectively, tackle some big projects that need doing and take time out of your day to get organised for the week ahead. (taken from here)

Saturday's Magical Correspondences 

It's the end of the week for many of us, so Saturday - named for the god Saturn - is a good time to wrap things up. Associated with the colors black and dark purple, and the metal lead, this day is also connected to the goddess Hecate. Gemstones like Apache tear, obsidian, and hematite are all connected to Saturday's magic, as are plants such as thyme, mullein, and the cypress tree.

When it comes to magical workings, focus on agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, protection and banishment of negativity. Put up a barrier to keep the unwelcome out, eliminate the things that make you miserable, and wash your hands of anything other than your hopes, dreams and goals. (taken from here)

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