Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The Most Important Habits of Calm and Happy People


  Do you ever notice how some people always seem to have it together? They’re calm and happy with both feet firmly planted on the ground, even amidst turmoil. Like a mountain that stands tall and strong, they weather the many storms that come their way. They seek out blessings and uncover them like the beautiful hidden gems that they are. Magic seems to find them each day, inviting an authentic smile to cross their lips.
  Others, not so much. When similar turmoil is thrown their way, they tend to experience more difficulty dealing with the turbulence. Stress levels rise when life chucks its curve balls at them. The silver lining is difficult for them to see in the haze as they struggle to find their joy and feel stuck in their situation.
  It’s easy to say “Look on the bright side,” or “Keep a positive mindset” so that everyone can be a part of the happy-go-lucky group. But sometimes in the throes of life we forget just how powerful we are in creating our own destiny.
  In my own roller-coaster ride of a life, as well as in the work I’ve done as both an executive coach and an entrepreneur working with a diverse group of clients, vendors, and employees, I’ve seen and experienced the full spectrum of dealing with life’s adversities.
  In my observations, I’ve noticed that, at the end of the day, attitude is everything. It will make you or break you. But, it’s not as simple as just flipping a switch to turn that powerful positive mindset to the ‘on’ position. It takes gentle reminders and some good, old-fashioned work.
  When you’re feeling the effects of stress and struggle, try to connect with some of these top habits shared by calm and happy people and allow the light to shine in:
  1. They exercise regularly. It’s well know that exercise releases endorphins, which leads to happiness. So get moving and get the happy juice flowing. Do so regularly and keep the stress and blues at bay.
  2. They have a mindfulness practice. Many can relate to the crazy, busy, go, go, go lifestyle. It is so important to take time to slow down, savor, notice. Even finding just five to 10 minutes a day to sit in stillness or to walk in nature and really notice can help your mind build the ‘muscles’ it needs to let go of all the stress and worry, and just be present and joyful in the moment. This moment is all that we have, after all.
  3. They honor their truth. What is it that lights you up? What do you just love to do and lose all track of time doing? Never mind what everybody else wants you to do, or what you think you are supposed to do. What is it that your soul keeps whispering to you? Honoring that is the ticket to Blissville. A suppressed spirit will cry out for help in many ways. Set your soul free and reap the rewards of a happy, whimsical life.
  4. They take down time. You have to let those batteries recharge. Get your vacation on and refresh and rejuvenate. You don’t need to be (click HERE to read more...)

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