First of all if you began reading this article, first reason its your infinite curiosity, second you might know me and yes you are curious about what I think and third you might belong to that rare group of people who are into a certain path of progress in a more conscious way and you were attracted by the title, by your need for more development.
This particular mechanism of self "initiation" into the path of self development does not exist on everyone. Genetically wise that is, which is based on the re-incarnation progress of the individual which is afterwards imprinted on the DNA molecular structure. A combination of individual fights with Ego while trying to overcome its obscurities and abnormalities while moving towards the realization of our Godliness. This is how you gain knowledge.
Through repetitive lessons that change your perception, and then by the repeated habitual pattern of the new information and habit you change your neuro-linguistic programming which then has as immediate effect on your Matrix by projecting the new info on the ether.

Yes. Sound strange perhaps but this is the whole reality in a sentence. Hundreds of thousands of reincarnations that train your perception in order to receive the beautiful subtle energies of the Cosmos. And then once you get rid of all these layers of the Egoic structure you are able to receive these energies and then use them to create life (through ideas, products, services that all eventually benefit mankind).
(Click to read >>> Are You Struggling With Your Mind? This is Your Solution.)
But these energies are hidden under layers of endless excuses and avoidance, procrastination and longing of sexual and material desires and belongings, things that the Ego, our free willed self is here to taste and experience.
While you are "tasting" though the Life's joys and sorrows, there is always a lesson hidden in every moment that will lead you higher in the consciousness ranking, something your real Higher self longs for. Something YOU signed for, before re-incarnating to this plane of existence .
SOOooooo....! If you start taking the lesson and move ON instead of staying stuck to the past, desires, material possessions, relationships, memories etc, you will eventually have significant progress and later you will simply realize that THIS is the authentic path to Genius.
Cause Genius (Djin - a spirit often capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people) is our transformation to a being of many capabilities and advanced skills that has an immediate effect on our surroundings and especially on people.
Cause Genius (Djin - a spirit often capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people) is our transformation to a being of many capabilities and advanced skills that has an immediate effect on our surroundings and especially on people.
So one more aspect of the Genius is to be able to integrate himself in the Mass while he is different by a far degree and his connection with his fellow beings will have a significant loss in communication and their ability to understand and feel him will be at the bottom of the chart.
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Therefore the path of becoming a Djin is composed by the rational and the intellectual advancement which is also accompanied by the ethical and moral code and its apply in everyday life, after we solidely accepted the concept of every moral code we come to learn through our Earthly experience.
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