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The Most Powerful Conjuration Guide In Magic (WARNING: Only For Advanced Magicians)

Planetary Conjurations

  Easily one of the longest passages in the Munich Manual, the following is a translation of a series of astrological and planetary rituals used to time and carry out particular astrological and astral rituals. Although out of place in a grimoire primarily concerned with nigromancy and necromancy, the section on astral magic and planetary conjurations is one of the more interesting to a modern magus or practitioner of the Work. The following text is translated from Richard Kieckhefer’s “Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer’s Guide of the 15th Century”, and is taken from folios 68v through 96v. The text is almost exactly the same to the conjurations, lists, and spirits as declared in the Heptameron of Pietro d’Abano, itself based on the Sepher Razielis, and is quite likely to have been derived from it, though with a few changes here and there, possibly due to corruption.

  In addition, although not a part of the same excerpt, I’ve translated folios 108r and 108v, entitled “Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the Month for Inscriptions”. It describes, of the thirty days of a given month (probably lunar), which days are good for inscriptions, presumably on parchment, skins, or talismans. It’s not astrological, per se, but continues a long tradition dating back from Egyptian and Roman times of fortunate and unfortunate days for certain undertakings. It might be used in conjunction with the astral rituals described earlier in the grimoire.

  It would seem that the conjurations aren’t actually conjuring the angels of the weekdays themselves, but other spirits in the name of the angels; however, the author was not always diligent in using the same formula in his conjurations, and so the Latin makes it seem that in some conjurations he conjures the angel and in others he conjures some other spirits by the angel. In addition, the author put Friday before Thursday (swapping sections 5 and 6 below); I’ve corrected this and made minimal other changes to the layout and substance of the text (e.g. section 17 was originally split into two sections). Other sections refer to the creation of images and their uses, the use of particular days or hours for certain rituals, and spirits and demons that are most powerful on certain days of the week.

  As far as the names of angels, spirits, and God go, the text uses a lot of variant spellings and assignments. I’ve left all the spellings and assignments as they are found in Kieckhefer for the sake of authenticity to the original, so you might want to mentally swap the names or assignments on your own. In addition to the names being corrupted and some words left untranslatable (in italics), the seals and symbols of the weekdays, planets, and angels may also have been degraded over time. I’ve included my cleaned-up scans of the symbols where appropriate from Kieckhefer. That said, most of the the information is contained in the Heptameron, with slightly different (perhaps less corrupted) names, seals, and conjurations. I believe the original text is indeed the Heptameron with supplemental texts thrown in, but that’s just me. I pray the reader to forgive my lack of annotations, but with a text this large, I wouldn’t be able to handle them all myself.

1. Conjurations for Each Day of the Week 

 Thus begins the conjurations of the days after the arrangement of sacrifices, which one must do before he begins to carry out the conjuration. Therefore, conjure when some conjuration falls on the days when you operate. These are to be written; write them on their day. The conjuration of the day of the Lord follows, and so on.

2. Conjuration of Sunday, the Day of the Sun 

 I conjure and declare unto you, you strong and holy angels,
In the name Adonay, Adonay, Eye, Eye, Eyu, he who is who was, and will be, Eye, Aloraye,
in the name Sadaye, Saday, Cados, Cados, Cados, high, sitting above the cherubim,
and by His name, great, holy, strong, powerful, and exalted, above all the heavens, Eye, Saraye, Creator of the ages, who created the world, the sky, and the earth, sea, and all those who were in them on the first day of the heavens, and sealed upon them with His holy name, Yhon, onto the earth, by the seals of earth, by his honored and precious name Yhaa,
and by the names of the holy angels who rule in the first host and serve in the presence of the most powerful, great, and honored angel Salamia,
and by the name of the star that is the Sun,
and by the most immeasurable sign of the living God by whom all is foretold,

 I conjure the angel Raphahel who is the commander of the day of the Lord, and by the name Adonay, the God of Israel, who created the world and every thing whatsoever in it, that you work for me and fulfill all my wishes that are my petition, plea, and vow in my distress.

You may say this according to whatever spirit will be shown to you.

3. Conjuration of Monday, the Day of the Moon.

 I conjure and declare unto you, you strong and holy angels,
in the name Adonay, Adonay, Adonay, Eye, Eye, Eye, Cados, Cados, Cados, Hatyn, Hatyn, Hatyn, Va, Va, strong Va, who appeared on Mount Sinai with the glorification of his reign, Ya, Adonay, Saday, Sabaoth, Hanath, Hu, Haxi, Ya, Ya, Ya, Marmalita, Abym, Yea, who created the seas, lakes, and all waters on the second day, whether in the sky or on the earth, and sealed upon the sea a limit that they cannot pass with His virtue and His high name,
and by the names of the angels who rule in the second host, who serve Oraphaniel, the great, honored, and precious angel,
and by the name of the star that is the Moon,
and by the seals and names of all that has been said,

 I conjure you by Gabriel, commander of the second day known to be of the Moon, that you work for me and fulfill all my petitions. Amen.

4. Conjuration of Tuesday, the Day of Mars.

  I conjure and declare unto you, you strong and holy angels,
by the name Ya, Ya, Ya, A, A, Va, Hy, Hy, Haa, Haai, Va, Va, Han, Han, Hon, Hy, Hyen, Haya, Haya, Hol, Hol, Hay, Hael, Hon,
by the names of the Lord Adonay, Haya, Hol, Creator of ages, Cados, Cados, Cados, Ebel, El, Ya, Ya, Ya, Eloy, Arar, Eloym, Eloym,
and by the name of Him, the high God, who made dry land appear and called it the earth, and produced trees and plants upon it, and sealed upon it His precious and honored name to be feared,
and by the names of the angels ruling in the third host and attended by the great, strong, powerful, and honored angel Acynerim,
and by the name of the star that is Mars,
and by the name Adonay, the living and true God,

I conjure you by the angel Samael, commander of the third day known to be that of Mars, that you work and fulfill for me all my wishes and my desires completely, &c.

5. Conjuration of Wednesday, the Day of Mercury.

  I conjure and declare unto you, you strong and holy and powerful angels,
in the name of the strong, feared, and blessed Ya, Adonay, Eleoym, Saday, Saday, Saday, Eye, Eye, Eye, Asaame, Asaomie, Asamye,
in the name of the Lord Adonay, with whose word sealed upon man the word Saa, which is Sayguans, Capym, Say, Saaqui,
and by the names Cryasy, Adonay, Taguaasas, Adonay, the God of Israel, who is truly He who created day and night,
and by the names of all the angels serving in the fourth host, of whom Thytagora is the great angel, strong and powerful,
and by the name of the star that is Mercury,
and by the name of the seals by which Adon was sealed, honored and most powerful,
and by all that has been said,

I conjure you, the great angel Michael, who is the commander of the fourth day, and by the holy name that was on the forehead of Aaron the priest of the Highest Lord, and by the names of the angels who are confirmed in the grace of the Creator, and by the Throne of the nine souls who have six wings, that you work for me in my cause, that you may be led swiftly for bringing about my wish, &c.

6. Conjuration of Thursday, the Day of Jupiter.

  I conjure and declare and seal upon you, you strong and holy and powerful angels,
by the name Cados, Cados, Cados, Eseraye, Esoraye, Eseraye, Hatym, Va, strong and strength of the ages, Catiney, Yaheiz, Yaruc, Yarac, Calloac, Allae, Assaf, Maataf, Barifay, Abnaym,
and by the name Adonay, who created the fish and reptiles in the water and the birds flying above the face of the earth towards the heavens on the fifth day,
and by the names of the angels serving in the fifth host, with the great angel, a holy herdsman and powerful prince,
and by the star that is Jupiter and his seals,
and by the name Adonay, the highest God, the Creator of all,
and by the names of all the stars, and by their strength and virtue,
and by all that has been said,

 I conjure you, Satquiel, the great angel who is the commander of the day of Jupiter, that you work for me so that my desire may come to be accomplished.

7. Conjuration of Friday, the Day of Venus.

  I conjure and declare and seal upon you, you strong and holy and powerful angels,
in the name Hay, Hey, Hea, Ya, A, Ya, Ya, Ananey,
in the name Saday, who created the beasts, reptiles, and men on the sixth day, and gave Adam power over all animals, thus may the name of the Creator be blessed in His place,
and by the names of the angels who serve in the sixth host under Daghyel, the great angelic prince, strong and powerful,
and by the name of the star that is Venus and her seal, since such a seal is sacred,
and by all that has been said,

I conjure upon you, the great angel Anael, who is the commander of the sixth day, that you work for me, &c.

8. Conjuration of Saturday, the Day of Saturn.

  I conjure and declare and discover you, Captiel, Matatori, Sartaquidi, you strong and powerful angels,
by the name Adonay, Adonay, Eye, Ey, E, Eye, Hacyn, Hacyn, Hacyn, Cados, Cados, Cados, Yma, Yma, Yma, Saday, Ya, Sar, name of the Lord Creator of the ages, who rested on the seventh day, and in his contentedness gave the world to the sons of Israel in obedience and inheritance, that they may firmly serve Him and guard and sacrifice for having blessings and rewards in all ages thence onwards, and the names of the angels serving in the seventh host under Boel, the great angel, the powerful prince,
and by the name of the star that is Saturn and his holy seal,
and by all that has been said,

  I conjure Captiel, who is the commander of the seventh day which is the Sabbath day, that you may work for me and not desist until you completely bring about my desires to fruition. Amen.

9. Seals for Seven Angels.

  It follows to see and to know the seven seals which are to be marked for whatever operation according to the day of the week.

  These are the seals of the seven planets wandering the seven heavens, according to the seven sages of physics. No matter the operation you carry out, if you do not know these seals the operations will not be fulfilled without these seals that follow. For whatever day, its sign, planet, angels, king of spirits with his helpers and creatures, and incense, according to that which I will tell you below, when you wish to carry out this work, know that it may itself be excellent and that this great book has compiled it. And know that whatever you seek to carry out, it is by the power of God, whose name is a blessing through endless ages upon ages. Amen.

This is the seal of Raphahel, the angel whose star is the Sun. Make it on the day of the Sun in the sign of Leo.

This is the seal of Gabriel, the angel whose star is the Moon. Make it in the day of the Moon, in the sign of Cancer, etc.

This is the seal of Samael, the angel whose star is Mars. Make it in the day of Mars, in the sign of Aries or Scorpio.

This is the seal of Michael, the angel whose star is Mercury. Make it in the day and hour of Mercury, in the sign of Capricorn, Gemini, or Virgo.

This is the seal of Satquiel, the angel whose star is Jupiter. Make it in the day and hour of Jupiter, in the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces, etc.

This is the seal of Anael, the angel whose star is Venus. Make it in the day and hour of Venus, in the sign of Taurus or Libra, etc.

This is the seal of Caffriel, the angel whose star is Saturn. Make it on the Sabbath day in the hour of Saturn and in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius.

10. Seals for Days of the Week

This is the sigil of the day of the Lord, which should be made with the Sun rising.
This is the seal of the Sun, which is the planet of the day of the Lord.

This is the sigil of the Moon, which should be made with the Moon rising.
This is the seal of the Moon, which is the planet of Monday.

This is the sigil of the day of Mars, which should be made with Mars rising.
This is the seal of the day of Mars, which is the planet of Tuesday.

This is the sigil of Mercury, which should be made with Mercury rising.
This is the seal of Mercury, which is the planet of Wednesday.

This is the sigil of Jupiter, which should be made with Jupiter rising.
This is the seal of Jupiter, which is the planet of Thursday.

This is the sigil of Venus, which should be made with Venus rising.
This is the seal of Venus, which is the planet of Friday.

This is the sigil of Saturn, which should be made with Saturn rising.

Note the signs of the seven planets, i.e. the seven days. These are all the signs of the seven days ruled over by the planets and their signs. Further, be wary for your sake in these signs, since the greatest strength lies in them, such that your works are completed and fulfilled through them.

11. Names of the Angels who Rule Over the Days of the Week 

The names of the angels ruling the seven days are to be noted, and what follows has the work to name in the operations of the week.
The angel of the day of the Lord is Raphael.
The angel of the day of the Moon is Gabriel.
The angel of the day of Mars is Samael.
The angel of the day of Mercury is Michael.
The angel of the day of Jupiter is Satquiel.
The angel of the day of Venus is Anael.
The angel of the day of Saturn, which is the Sabbath, is Captiel.

In this, then, work with the names of the angel of the day in which you do your work, and write it such that if they were written they will greatly help you with the power of the creator.

12. Spirits who Rule Over the Days of the Week 

The names of the kings of spirits ruling over the seven days of the week are written below, above
Thus the king Saytam rules and serves the day of the Lord. His assistants are Taatus, Candas, and Vanibal.
And the king Almodab rules and serves the day of the Moon. His assistants are Sylol, Millalu, and Abuzaba.
The king, son of the Devil, rules and serves the day of Mars. His assistants are Carmath, Utanaual, and Pascami.
The king Saba rules and serves the day of Mercury. His assistants are Conas, Pactas, and Sanbras.
The king Madrath, the son of Arath, rules and serves the day of Jupiter. His assistants are Hyrti or Hyiti, Ignaro, Quiron, and Saalalebeth.
The king Saabotes rules and serves the day of Venus. His helpers are Nassath and Ynasa.
The king Hayton, or Assayby, rules the day of Saturn. His helpers are Abimalyb and Haybalydoth and Yfla.

The names of the kings of spirits ruling and serving the seven days of the week are completed.

13. Fumigations for Each Day of the Week 

  Further, every day of the week has an incense and fumigation appropriate for it, with which you will fumigate the work you do on these days, and your work will be completed without doubt.
The incense of the day of the Lord is red or yellow sandalwood, or similar.
That of Monday is aloe, anacap, or something similar.
That of Tuesday is pepper, abana, cyg, or similar.
That of Wednesday is altast or similar.
That of Thursday is olibanum, saffron, or similar.
That of Friday is mastic resin, lingum radim, or similar.
That of Saturday is assandaron, sulfur, or similar.

And if you wish to work on the day of Saturn for the binding of tongues, the fumigation shall be frankincense of Odea Capra. These are the fumigation for the days of the week.

14. Purposes Served in Each Day of the Week 

  On the day of the Lord, you are able to work towards the binding of tongues and other restrictions or bindings of men.
On the day of the Moon, operations of kindness, concord, and friendship are to be carried out.
On the day of Mars, operations towards the illness of men and their destruction are to be carried out.
On the day of Mercury, operations towards the creation of enmity or hatred between men are to be carried out.
On the day of Jupiter, operations towards the forging of peace between men fighting among themselves are to be carried out.
On the day of Venus, operations towards marriage or connection of men in friendship or towards calling them wherever they may be to a place for kindness.
On the day of Saturn, you are able to work towards the binding of the interiors of bathhouses, millhouses, and other locations.

  The operations of the days of the week which are to be carried out have been spoken of. When you wish to carry out an operation on a day of the week towards kindness or for whatever sort of good or evil, diligently pay attention that the day be fitting for the operation to be carried out, and that you do not ignore your daily operation on its day nor postpone it, such that if the work was neither confirmed nor considered for its effect, it may be thought of as false.

15. Angels Serving on Each Day of the Week

There are three angels in charge of each day of the week, as it pleases you to know, to serve and carry out the works of men.
The three angels in charge of the day of the Lord are Raphahel, Dardiel, and Vrlacafel.
Those in charge of the day of the Moon are Gabriel, Michael, and Sammyel.
Those in charge of the day of Mars are Satyel, Sanyel, and Barmaly.
Those in charge of the day of Mercury are Gemi, Sabael, Sarpiel, and Muriel.
Those in charge of the day of Jupiter are Pacta, Castiel, and Assassel.
Those in charge of the day of Venus are Anael, Saqruiel, and Sacquiel.
Those in charge of the day of Saturn are Captiel, Mataton, and Sartquiel who is Satraquel.

  In all works that you do, you may invoke these angels of the days for the operations you desire, and thy will fulfill your wishes and lead your works to success.

16. Names of God 

  As appropriate, what follows are the names which are to be written in the beginning of any and every operation that you carry out and will act in response to your will; they are from the names of the Creator. Therefore when you wish to call these names which are to be invoked, know that they are Anguas, Yna, the God of Israel, Ybae, Subae, Guabas, Ynissamon, Haa, Dosa, and Barian. In all such texts that you write this operation, whether for friendship, enmity, medicine, or similar, it may thus be observed in all things that you may write it on any material.

17. Names of the Hours of the Day and the Night and Their Functions 

  It is now proper to write the names of the hours of the day in which the operations you make are to be carried out.
Thus the first hour of the day is called Yayn. In this hour letters are to be made for the destruction of the voices of men and their evil words and for the binding of tongues.
The second hour of the day is called Yan or Or, and in it you are to work towards obtaining friendship, grace, and boons, and for the sending of friends to kings and other powerful men.
The third hour is called Nassura. Make in it letters or images for the hunting of beasts and birds, or the catching of fish, or for the delivery of something or someone giving birth.
The fourth hour of the day is called Sala. Make in it letters or images for the binding of all woodland beasts, lions, bears, and so on.
The fifth hour of the day is called Sadadat. Make in it letters for the binding and driving of beasts however you will, and for whatever other power.
The sixth hour of the day is called Tamhut. In it you are able to work for the extraction of captives from prison and for the freeing of those bound.
The seventh hour of the day is called Caror. In it work for the building of peace between kings.
The eighth hour of the day is called Tariel. In it you are able to work for the building of wrath and discord between men.
The ninth hour of the day is called Karon. In it letters are to be made for travel or for going among thieves without fear.
The tenth hour of the day is called Hyon. In it you are able to work for demons, the possessed, evil spirits, or panic, or for helping mistresses.
The eleventh hour of the day is called Nathalon. In it you are able to work for making the blood flow in women and for the binding of men with women or vice versa.
The twelfth hour of the day is called Abat. In it you are able to work for the building of peace between enemies, men and women alike.

  These are the hours of the night, and the operations that pertain to them.
The first hour of the night is called Leron. Make in it your demonic operations, or for evil spirits, or for congregating them to speak with them.
The second hour of the night is called Latol. In it you are able to work for fishing and for everything that gives birth in water.
The third hour of the night is called Hami. In it you are able to work for the occurrence or extinguishing of fire, and to work for everything that you wish.
The fourth hour of the night is called Atyn. In it you are able to work for the destruction of homes or for the expulsion of men from one place to another.
The fifth hour of the night is called Caron. Make questions in it that in sleep may be seen to be in the world in days or years to come, and for the revealing of secrets.
The sixth hour of the night is called Zaia. In it you are able to work for trees and their fruits, and for the other plants of the earth and for everything that is to be worked upon the earth.
The seventh hour of the night is called Nectius. In it you are able to work for the expulsion of men from their homes, or for them to be made sick or dead.
The eighth hour of the night is called Tafat. In it you are able to work for the building of enmity between whomever you wish.
The ninth hour of the night is called Conassuor. In it you are able to work for the binding of tongues or for audiences with kings or rulers.
The tenth hour of the night is called Algo. In it you are able to work for the destruction of tongues, all thoughts upon you, or evil councils that will debate upon you.
The eleventh hour of the night is called Caltrua. In it you are able to work for the binding or capture of whatever birds you wish.
The twelfth hour of the night is called Salaii. In it you are able to work for the discovery of all that has been predicted, or for the revealing of fugitives or evildoers.

18. Names of the Angels that Rule Each Hour of the Day and the Night

  When you have an operation or a letter you wish to write, it will serve you to call out the name of the hour and the name of the angel ruling or ministering to it. These are the names of the angels ruling all the hours of the day and the night of the week. The first hour of the day is ruled by Raphael, the second by Anael, the third by Michael, the fourth by Gabriel, the fifth by Gaffriel, the sixth by Satquiel, the seventh by Samael, the eighth by Raphael, the ninth by Anael, the tenth by Michael, the eleventh by Gabriel, and the twelfth by Cafriel.

  The first hour of the night of Monday is ruled by Satquiel, the second by Samael, the third by Raphael, the fourth by Anael, the fifth by Michael, the sixth by Gabriel, the seventh by Cafriel, the eighth by Satquiel, the ninth by Samael, the tenth by Raphael, the eleventh by Anael, and the twelfth by Michael. Thus you should know that all the other aforementioned hours of night and day are ruled and ministered by the angel corresponding to the ruler and minister of the planet of the hour. All hours of the Sun are ruled and ministered by Raphael; the hours of Venus, Anael; the hours of Mercury, Michael; the hours of the Moon, Gabriel; the hours of Saturn, Caffriel, the hours of Jupiter, Satquiel; and the hours of Mars, Samuel. Further, the planets of each day with their angels, signs of the planets, and assigned hours and angels should agree and respond to the names above and to the angel who is encountered with in the conjuration of each and every day, and in the lead of the images of the gods which are, in turn, ministered by him.

  Therefore, the Sun ministers to the day of the Lord, and his angel is Raphael, and his sign is Leo. Likewise for the Moon, Monday, Gabriel, and Aries and Scorpio; Mars, Tuesday, Samael, and Cancer; Mercury, Wednesday, Michael or Mathael, and Gemini and Virgo; Jupiter, Thursday, Samael, and Sagittarius and Pisces; Venus, Friday, Anael, and Taurus and Libra; Saturn, the Sabbath day, Caffriel, and Capricorn and Aquarius.

  Call upon these names or you will be unable to complete your work. The first hour of Monday is ruled and ministered by Gabriel, the second by Caffriel, the third by Satquiel, the fourth by Samael, the fifth by Raphael, the sixth by Anael, the seventh by Michael, the eighth by Gabriel, the ninth by Caffriel, the tenth by Satquiel, the eleventh by Samael, and the twelfth by Raphael.

19. Images to be Used for Each Hour of the Day and Night

On the works of images of the day:

  A note on the first for evil tongues. In the first hour of the day an image is to be made for the binding of tongues, and the tongues that will be bound in this hour will never have the power to speak an evil word against you. Make an image in the first day of a dog from pure silver or tin, and inscribe upon the head of the image the name of him against whom you work, as well as the name of the master of the day and hour in which you work, and on the side of the image the most powerful and highest name of the Lord, and fumigate the image with the incense mentioned above and with red blood, and wrap it in a new white cloth, and bury it at his place of whom you will, and he will say nothing evil against you. Thus these images bind all eyes and mouths of men, and while this image is present there they shall never cause you harm. On the side of the image write the name of the Moon and the name of the sign and of the angels of the season in which you work. These names are the highly precious and blessed names of the Creator, who created the sky and the earth. When you shape this image, inscribe them perfectly that it appears proper. These are the names: Lyara, Lyalguana, Loaffar, Vialuarab, Lebara, Lebarion, Layasales. These are the seven names which you will write on the side of the figure, and write them in all operations of all things pertaining to the concord and friendship among men, birds, beasts, and all creatures.

  In the second hour of the day an image is to be made of benevolence, with one image of a man and one of a woman from the purest molten tin, and with the name of the man on the head of the woman and vice versa, and on their very chests and sides of the image you will write the seven following names similar to the seven mentioned above. Join the images, binding them together with wax, so that they are well strengthened together, and bury it in the house of the one whom you wish to pursue, and between them a friendship shall last for as long as the image does. These are the seven names: Malthayl, Caramel, Aariel, Zaraimayl, Parsail, Porbayl, Seralabelis. These are also able to be read.
In the third hour of the day an image is to be made for the bringing forth of all birds and fish to a particular place. In this hour make from red bronze an image of an animal that you wish to catch, and inscribe on the head of the image the name of the master of the hour and on the chest in the same way, and on its side the seven names of the first hour, and fumigate it with dill or Indian barley, and bury it in the place where you wish to catch animals similar to the image you formed, and you will see the miracles of the Creator come to that place. 

  In the fourth hour of the day an image is to be made for the calling forth or driving off of animals, such as scorpions, all reptiles, and woodland beasts. In this hour make the image from yellow bronze in the likeness of the animal whose kind is in the particular place you wish to control. inscribe the name of the animal on the head of the image and the name of the master of the hour on its side, and the seven above names of the first hour upon the side of the image. Bury the image in the place that you wish to be controlled. This very image will tame all animals that will no longer wander in that area.
In the fifth hour of the day an image is to be made for the taming of wild beasts, such as lions, bears, and wolves, or for any other sort of harmful beast. In this hour cast the image of an animal of the kind you wish to be controlled or tamed, and inscribe upon the head of the image the name of the animal, and on its chest the name of the hour and the name of the master of the hour, and on its side the seven names of the first hour. Fumigate the image with Indian wood and red sandalwood, and bury it in a place you prefer, and you will see by the aid of the Lord assisting you all such animals will be turned to your will.

  For the liberation of the incarcerated. In the sixth hour of the day an image is to be made for captives and prisoners, either for judgment towards death or freedom. In this hour cast an image for him or them whom you wish to be saved from silver or tin, and inscribe upon the head of the image the name of the man to be saved, and on the chest the name of the hour, and on the side the seven names of the first hour, and give the image to any of them. This person shall hold the image with himself in the prison and that night escape with the power of God the Creator.

  For hunting or fishing. In the seventh hour of the day an image is to be made for the hunt or for fishing, and is strong and very useful. Cast an image of the best silver in this hour, and mold upon the head of the image the name of the master of the hour, and on the chest of the image the seven names of the second hour, and in all hours that you go hunting or fishing carry the image with you and you will tame, hunt, and fish as you desire.

  For the building of malevolence and discord between men. In the eighth hour an image is to be made for the homes or places to be destroyed and pulled down. In this hour cast an image of red bronze with two heads, one of an ass, the other of a man, and inscribe upon the head of the ass the name of the place which you wish to see destroyed, and on the head of the human the name of the master of the place and the attendants of the master of the place, and on the chest of the image the name of the master of the hour. Fumigate the image with the blood of a murdered man or the fat of meat, and bury it in the place you wish to be depopulated, and all men will flee and the place depopulated, so that no beast or animal will remain.

  For to be able to travel wherever you wish and that nothing may be able to harm you. In the ninth hour an image is to be made for walking without fear among lions or beasts, and to travel through them without fear or terror, and for all safe traveling. In this hour cast an image in the likeness of the beasts that you seek, and write upon the head of the image the above with fustic and saffron. Carry it with you when you travel through whatever places you desire without fear, for all eyes will be unable to see you, and all their tongues shall remain silent. You will be able to travel and not be destroyed with the power of God.

  For prevailing in the heart of whatever king or prince you desire. In the tenth hour an image is to be made for entering into the presence of kings and powerful men. In this hour cast an image of a man from silver, and inscribe upon the head of the image the name of the man, and on the chest the name of the hour and its ruler, and on the side the seven names of the first hour. Fumigate the image with the aforementioned fustic and saffron, and wrap it in a new white cloth of linen. Carry the image with you in the hour you wish to enter or leave for the man, and you will obtain that which you desire with the aid of God.

  For the forging of concord between those who quarrel. In the eleventh hour an image is to be made for the calling forth of concord between arguing people or between a man and a woman. In this hour cast two images, one heavy and one of quantity and quality, and inscribe on the head of the female the name of the man, and the name of the female on the head of the man, and on the chests of both the images inscribe the name of the hour and its master, and on the sides the names of the second hour. Put the images face to face, and fumigate them with the above saffron and fustic, and place them in a secret place towards the stars, and you will see a miracle, such that one shall bother the other and be unable to be alone without the other.

  For the binding of tongues. In the twelfth hour of the day an image is to be made for the binding of tongues. In this hour make an image of a man from the best tin, and inscribe upon the head his name, and on the chest the name of the hour, and on the side the name of the first hour. Fumigate it with the aforementioned saffron and fustic, and place it towards the stars for seven nights with mochazat and sandaras, and conjure it with that with begins with Samahil, and he will not be able to speak an evil word against you.

  These are the images which are to be made in similar hours of the seven days with all their incense and operations. Therefore be wary in these, that they are without life and true, and that by them you may not be deceived, and that by them all your wishes may be fulfilled, by the grace of God, whose name is a blessing. Amen.

On the works of the images of the night.

  I shall speak of the operation of the images of the night, such that the ancients strove for. They are to be invoked who support the images, that all men who work on them will know of the lamp that cannot be extinguished.

  In the first hour of the night an image is to be made for the illumination of shadowy places or of any sort of dark place. In this hour cast a bronze candle like a cross having seven mouths, and shape on any mouth of the cross these names: Sarastan, Hasas, Dalas, Sassa. Put in any mouth of the cross a tongue of balsa, and write above the mouth these twelve names: Bezat, Berith, Zenit, Caffan, Dalfat, Dana, Aneth, Beas, Manith, Hassas, Dalaph, Sefa. Make from this using this cross an image of a man holding with him the shape of a vessel as if he were pouring oil into a lamp, and fill the candle with oil that was not pressed out by hand. Shape upon the front of the image the name Leorphahel or Leorpahel, and above the image the name Rosahal. Similar to the candle of the cross, cover the front of the image so that it is unable to be uncovered, and light the mouth of the cross, which shall never be extinguished. You will be able to make this image in a place that a woman has never crossed nor stood.

  In the second hour of the night an image is to be made for the foreknowledge of fortunes. It is in fact the man Almera, who was one of the ancient sages, who first entered into the city people called Alandar, which he made in his image and into which no woman ever entered. In this hour cast an image from clear bronze, and write on the front of the image these names: Notooa, Har, Beel, Cead, Vasas, Naaya, Haat. Mold the names Raagor, Ralaz, Branar, Cundaz, Natho, Jany on a palm frond and put it into the hand of the image. Bury the image in the middle of a city or a town such that nobody may see you while you do this. With this image you will be able to know beforehand the scorpions and other things causing harm in this place.

  For the chasing away of all reptiles. In the third hour an image is to be made for the doing away with of harmful reptiles whether evil beasts such as locusts, vipers, or all evil things. In this hour cast a bronze image in the likeness of the reptile you wish to fly off, and write on its front these names: Vabros, Wiez, Bercca, Beror, Berabut, Baramel. And bury the image where you wish, and all that has been said will flee.

  For the fastening of a town or place what you wish to be deserted, or for enmity. In the fourth hour of the night an image is to be made for the destruction of a desired town or place or for hostility. In this hour urinate backwards in the style of a camel or cat and collect it in the cloth of a man, and go to the house of your enemy. Write these names on the cloth with this water in the door of his house: Raccedi, Palicos, Pytalas, Pila, “I conjure you that you quickly destroy the house of so-and-so”. It will be done quickly.

  For the dispersion of an army. In the fifth hour of the night an image is to be made for the scattering of a gathered army from a camp or from some other place, or for evil clouds or hail. In this hour cast an image from lead and red bronze equally mixed that it may weigh four pounds, and inscribe on it these names: Baraa, Atle, Hate, Carbara, Garglale, Ha, Conadiuro Famal, Alul, Beaali, Aguel, and Arpa, Nafaca, Paluo. Fumigate the image in the incense that we have taught you, and conjure it by its seven names. Bury the image in a high place, and such ill luck will come that the whole army will be scattered and flee. If you wish to work for the dispersion of clouds, bury it in a high place and close to a mountain, town, corpse, or a place that has been sown with seeds, and the clouds will be scattered and that which you seek be fulfilled, and you will witness the marvels of the powerful Creator.
To make enemies or enmity flee. In the sixth hour of the night an image is to be made for the expulsion of enemies from a house in the town where they reside. In this hour cast an image from red bronze, and inscribe upon it these names: Tartarath, Acuta, Col, Cafra, Cal, Guabrath, Afah, Audena, Cal, Matha, Coltasia, Bal, Mathail, Cafia, Falduc, Atal, Parclena, Cul, Mathiel, Fustaul, Gaulyar, Etal, Patath, Cicubael, Barath, Cabuel, Athael, Pera, Patua. On the head of the image inscribe the name of the one for whom the image is made, and fumigate the image in the above incenses, and put it near his dwelling. The evildoer will retreat from there to flee the house or town, and he will have neither peace nor rest butall his senses will be ruined.

  For the burning of the earth’s growths. In the seventh hour of the night an image is to be made for the burning of that which grows on the earth. In this hour cast an image of red bronze, and inscribe on it these names: Agug, Cantzit, Totman, Catua, Via, Meracuat, Vanath, Gara, Turat, Nuxae, Artha, Nar, “May fire fall from the sky onto the earth, which shall shake at this boundary”, Adrat, Mararat, Beguayl, Algayl, Carat. Bury the image at the limit of a village, and it will not burn a green leaf within the whole boundary.

  For the gathering of bees or pigeons or other kinds of birds. In the eighth hour of the night an image is to be made for the capturing of bees or their beehives, or pigeons and their nests, or other birds for the place signified at a place remote from the city walls. In this hour cast an image of a bee from gold from a weight of gold, and inscribe on it these names: Cadota, Carosa, Astab, Yatyon, Vetartuna, Taracta. Bury the image in a high place at that boundary and it will tame all bees that are around that wall. The image of a pigeon will do the same as the above for them and their nests, and the same for all other birds.

  Make this image for calling forth all the birds that you wish to capture. In the ninth hour of the night an image is to be made for the calling forth of whatever birds you want to whatever place you desire. In this hour make an image of the bird you wish to call out, and inscribe on it these names: Totarati, Tuata, Berhantual, Toluhaya, Ya. Put it where you wish to capture birds, and they will be tamed.

  For the dispersion of an army besieging a town or fort. In the tenth hour of the night an image is to be made for the scattering of armies besieging a town or fort. In this hour cast two images from two different kinds of metal: these may be red bronze, lead, tin, silver, or iron. Once these two images are in one body, and the image has two heads, one of a lion and the other of a bull having horns on its rear, write on its testicles these names: Horata, Taramat, Bata, Velaheia, Laa, Veda, Eaeffaxa, Lylatrala, Calmaatur, Mantut, Caatuas. And on its side inscribe the likeness of a lion and a cow, and put between them the dung of a cow and a snake, and fumigate the the image using those things. Bury it where the army resides, and a murder will befall them such that it will be as if one fell down, and they shall never return to their base orderly.

  In the eleventh and twelfth hours of the night, nothing is to be carried out by the images, neither by orations or declarations, for thus have the wise said: It is proper for him who wishes to study and learn this science to first know the names of the hours and days, for in these the virtue of the magister is perfect, and you will complete these operations in the strength of the Creator, whose name is a blessing unto the ages of ages. Amen.

20. Names of Angels Serving Specific Times 

  For as you wish to work from this book to call on the name of the Earth in her seasons, whichever they may be of the four, of course there can only be one operation. This is because, in the season chosen, if some transgression was committed through some operation, nothing shall come to its desired effect, &c.

  When you wish to labor at any such work or image for the cessation of the destruction towards men, whether by seeds or flocks, choose the time of day for your work, and if it will be at nighttime, take a nocturnal time with the names of the lying angels in which you shall work according to their individual names, without prohibition towards making great locusts or evil clouds or the things that are seen unto you, and these are the names which are written in the first season.

  The names of the angels of the first season are Gatrat, Cassa, Tait, Amatyel, and Gramsatos, and the name powerful above these is Oamquiel, and the name of their head is Singlytiel, Venatyel, and Atatyel, and the true forlorn name is Nerastas.

  The names of the angels of the second season are Bartatel, Turiel, and Vlmiel, and the name of the head of the sign of season is Labael.

  The names of the angels serving the third season are Tarquayl, Acartayl, Acayl, and Gaabarayl, and the name of the head of the sign of the season is Calguarath.

The names of the angels serving the fourth season are Amabel, Terayl, Atraa, and Atratrayl.

  When you wish to carry out your work, take the name of the season in which you will work, and write down these or other names or signs according to your work, all shall come to its prescribed effect in the power and strength of the Creator, whose name is a blessing across all the ages. Amen.

21. Names of the Planets and of Parts of the Earth 

A note on the names of the Sun.

  It suits us to speak and teach enthusiasm to know this science of images and the names of the Sun and the Moon and the Earth, and of the four parts of the world in any season.

  Therefore the name of the Sun in the first season is Abrayn, in the second Acamon, in the third Abragon, and in the fourth Rifar.

  In the first season, the Sun is in the signs whose names are these: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. In the second season, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo. In the third season, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. In the fourth season, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  Of the names of the Moon. In the first season the name of the Moon is Lunatulant, in the second Albora, in the third Alladyn, and in the fourth Saarbaquia.

  Of the names of the heavens. In the first season the name of the heavens is Asaptaa and Tima, in the second Armatrassi, in the third Mafatyn and Gnam, and in the fourth Safatem.

  Of the names of the Earth. In the first season the name of the Earth is Inamodon, in the second Festaen, in the third Tabian or Rathbil, and in the fourth Yemat or Yaneaa.

  Of the names of the four parts of the world, which are the East, West, South, and North. The first name of the four parts of the world, which is the East, in the first of the four seasons is Gnaandon, in the second Pibdaya, in the third Aldebath, and in the fourth Pedioth. The names of the West are, respectively, Amana, Tana, Ytadaon, and Malchaam; of the South, Mantham, Yasaory, Azut, and Danor; of the North, Manbasut, Gasson, Mascyel, and Yamhor.

  Of the other four names of the Earth: the other names of the Earth in the four seasons are Talyn in the first, Cosmaaram in the second, Aydarael in the third, and Saybath in the fourth.

Thus you may know what the four seasons are.

  You ought to know that the first season begins from the middle of March and ends in the middle of June, and the months of April and May are in the middle, and this is the first season. The second season begins in the middle of June and ends in the middle of September, and July and August are in the middle, and this is the second season. The third season begins in the middle of September and ends in the middle of December, and October and November are between them, and this is the third season. The fourth season begins in the middle of December and ends in the middle of March, and January and February are in the middle, and this is the fourth season.

22. Images and Conjurations for Days of the Week

On the images of the seven days of the week.

  The wise philosophers and experts who composed this book, confident in God who is God above all, arranged these images of the seven days of the week for the making of petitions, and it is the highest and honored and most secret art, and it is not given to all people, nor to the strong men, but to the most profound’s sense and intelligence.

  Therefore be wary for yourself in this and examine it, and you will discover this holiest truth.
Of the image of the day of the Lord. The first image is of the day of the Lord. Make it from gold, brass, or yellow wax, and write upon it the following names, and when Leo is rising in its height in the months of August or April. The names of the spirits who always attend Leo are Baythan and his assistants Cahatus, Cardas, and Yabal. When you wish to bind tongues, make this image in the aforementioned time which is appropriate to you and in the aforementioned sign, and conjure them by the following conjuration:

  I conjure you, angels sealed by the sign of the Sun: Banarga, Lyon, Cylon, Bamayon, Admyon, Assuerop, Tayug, Rem, Letana, Baupa, Yanoth, Haralyl, Quilil, Casub, Nubtub, Caytuli, Catub, by the Creator of the sky and the earth and the four parts of the world and the winds which are between the sky and the earth, who is God above all, strongest and highest, with no other god before Him, by He who Himself is the Preserver of all things of nature: Yat, Faoli, Ydardyel, Ycalatasyel. Again I conjure you by these names: Vasamiaa, Licaa, Cassaa, Lamubatub, Olot, Elos, Cymehalod, by Him who knows secret and open knowledge, Yfael, Cardiel, Telataph, El, work and fulfill my petition and work that I desire to be completed.

  The second image is of the day of the Moon, and to be made from gold, tin, or white wax. This image is for the greatest benevolence and concord, and the angels ruling upon it are Gabriel, Michael, and Samuel. When you wish to forge agreement and great benevolence, make this image in the second hour of the day of the Moon, as Cancer is in its height, in the month of July or March, or in the month of Pisces. The names of the spirits which serve Cancer are Heletel and Halmital, and those of their assistants are Bellomilalum and Abuzaba. Conjure them by this conjuration:

  I conjure you angels who are the leaders of the sign of the Moon, Comoha, Bamoha, Zihil, Bephaha, Casal, Nata, Vada. I conjure you by the honor of God that you fulfill my petition, and that you do not labor at any other task until you hasten to finish mine. I ask you, Gabriel, Michael, and Samuel, that you fulfill my petition and declare it that it may not delay in being complete, fulfilled, and finished, by the divine grace and virtue upon us.

The third image is of the day of Mars. Make it from red bronze or red wax, in the day and hour of Mars, in the months of April or December. And know that this work is greatly honored and strong when you wish to carry out your work. The names of the leading angels under the sign of Mars are Harmabia, Blisacana, and Ababob, and their three assistants are Coaamal, Vmial, and Perasas. And conjure them by this conjuration:

I conjure you, princes of the angels and their spirits, Edus, Mafraas, Dadayus, and Hydus, Habat, Alat, Nays, Madasia, Yaral, Fastriath, Ysamtiel, Ytatel, Haramalil, by the name Cabar, Carachar, Ycidanis, Yalens, Harab, the master of the highest light Bathaquius, divine Honris, Tortur, Hamahe, Dana, Cadara, the Lord of heaven and hearth, before whom there is no other god, the God Salciel, Tariel, Hatamalil, to bring Hamar, Benall, and his helpers, that they shall carry out and complete all that I have asked for.

If you wish to empty out a home, cause the flow of blood or some other illness, or whatever destruction you wish to make, make this image from red copper and bury it near running water.

  The fourth image is of the day of Mercury, and the names of the angels that support it are Michael, Fanuel, and Sarpiel, and the names of the spirits serving them are known to be Tobha and his assistants Danhas, Paclas, and Sambas. Make this image in the months of July or October and from lead; shape it in this time for the separation of friends and the building of enmity between them, and swear it thus by this conjuration:

  I conjure you angels by the name of the Creator, over whom none can be victorious for He is the Creator and Giver of knowledge, and in whose hand are all powers, and insurmountable, and to whom is all virtue, who Himself is a powerful and invincible King, under Whose authority all stands and lives. I conjure you, Michael, Sarpiel, Muriel, Peruerl, Yeserie, Adonay, Sabaoth, Yo, Yo, of the Lord of heaven and earth, that you come through the goodness of the strong truth of He who was, is, and will be. Michael, Sarquiel, Muriel, fulfill my petition that it may come to completion.

  The fifth image is of the day of Jupiter, and the angels supporting it are Satquiel, Pattar, Constiel, and Assassayel, and the spirits supporting the image are Silite, Maraben, Halharit, and their assistants Yse, Riron, Naasay, and Eladab. If you wish to carry out this work, make the image out of yellow bronze or yellow wax on the day of Jupiter, and tinge it with green, and make it for men and for women, if you wish to forge friendship between two men, two women, or a man and woman in this way. Make two images from green wax in the month of May, which is known as the height of Pisces, or in the month of January in the height of Sagittarius, and write the names of the man upon the heart of the image of the woman and vice versa, and day this conjuration:

  O Lord God, almighty Creator of things seen and unseen, put kindness and gentle concord between these women, children, etc. as you put between Adam and Eve, and between Jacob and Rachel, and between Michael and Gabriel, of whom one is fiery and the other watery, one does not harm the other, but between them there is great concord, just as you have put concord among the angels whose cores are those of fire and of snow, as the snow does not extinguish the fire, neither the fire consume the snow, but you make them agree with each other equally. So too, Lord, by Your most holy goodness and pity, endeavor to be in harmony with, love, and cherish your children. I conjure you angels by the name Yafaa, Safaa, Alleya, Hayala, Haya, Halix, HAyul, Ataya, Htoia, Saffetaba, Coffossol, Remlestar, El, O Lord God, You who knows the secrets of hearts and who is the beginning and end, who shall never die. Make haste, Sarafem, Cysteli, and bring forth Amaris and his helpers, that they may quickly work and fulfill my petition.

  Bury the image in a place where they frequent, and you will see the miracles of the omnipotent God.
The sixth image is that of the day of Venus, and its supporting angels are Anael, Naquiel, and Sagriel, and their servants are Sarabores, and his three assistants Trathacas, Nasat, and Nasaa. When you wish to work with these images, make them on the day of Venus from white wax in the month of May in the height of Taurus, or in the month of October, and write the name of the man above the heart of the image of the woman, and the name of the woman on the head of the image of the man, and hang it from the stars, and hit them with an olive branch, and conjure them with this conjuration:

  Come, Anael, Tarquiel, Samuel, Hassahaa, Saaca, Giraca, Adtulia, Archalia, Aler, Gnad, Alualia, Saana, Samorie, Mahyra, Cartel, Harat, Maslatym, Caci, Yca, Yca, Dad, Dada, by He who is Cados, Salba, the Lord of angels and spirits, Heyt, Asseveye, Adonay, El, Salday, Saraoth, Sabaoth, Lyaste, Ady, Gualbroa, the strongest Being among the strongest beings, the high and great God, our Creator before whom there are no other powers, A Cya, Ya, Barquissaquil, Sabguyel, and by this conjuration that conjure you, and by the virtue of El, of Venus, the good benefit, I conjure you that you rightly accomplish my cause, and quickly fulfill my wish for the remembrance of so-and-so, that as the heart of Eve was wild for Adam in all things, Haycrab, Hayclas, Canael, Taltoh, Carpe, so too the heart of so-and-so.

This is for a place close to where he or she crosses over daily.

  The seventh image is that of the Sabbath day, whose planet is Saturn, and this image is greatly honored and precious above all other images, as Saturn is in the seventh heaven. The angels that support this figure are Castuel, Maratron or Matraton, and Satael, and their servant spirits are Memmi, Aloybain, Aflas, and Analuabith. When with wish you bind tongues or bathhouses or millhouses or military units, or create discord between two lovers, make this image and shape it as above and carry it with you through the city cates or those of the town or home, and bury it in the middle where you wish, and those such places will bind all tongues of men. And if you wish to create discord between two friends, or between a man and a woman, make two images of clear pitch, and make the faces of the man that of a pig, and those of woman that of a dog, and place them back to back, and write on virgin parchment the following words, and place it between the images. These are the words that will make such discord and enmity between them, such malevolence, beating of breasts, tearing of hair, detestation, and fleeing each other, that one may never be able to love the other but only meet with sorrow. Bury the image under the door of one, and watch the ensuing marvel. Conjure upon the figure this conjuration:

  Come, Cya, Mutaron, Sathauel, leading angels by the seal of Saturn of Styx, that in this hour in service to me, and bring forth from the spirits Amamni and Astaba, Hertanalit, that they may come quickly, for the fulfillment of my command, by the name of the blessed God Albilfael, Fiel, Ignaborum, Yada, Yaffla, Tasagaf, Hyaalym, Anagodyny, Dymas, Anazana, Salodaya, Athym, Adyr, Elsyday, Adaptinor, Sabath, Adoray, Eloym, Eloe, Gna, Cithe, Sereaye, Alssylayessus, Agnibora, Osatietas, of the angels Cassiel, Mittaron, Satquiel, bring forth for me Mira and Affla, and Alualuaht, Sayp, and Aladep, that they may also fulfill my wish by this holy conjuration, &c.

23. Summary

  When you wish to work, always select a time, whether during the day or night, with the names of the angels ruling the time in which you will work, and the name of the thing, and the names of the above angels ruling the seasons are below, which you should write in the first season and in the second season and in the third and the fourth, and also the names of their signs as they are allotted in whichever season. These are the angels fixed and good, according to the book which gives this out, that you will see and call the princes of the twelve months as follows below, as also called and set as mentioned above. Note that just as the above angels are to be called upon, so too are the names of the days in which you will work, just as it is mentioned in the chapter which begins “the seven signs of the days are complete”. These are the words of the Jews.

  Note that these are the princes of the angels of the twelve months, who rule on their thrones in the fifth heaven and have thrones in the fourth. The first throne is in the east, in which three angels who are princes rule. The second throne is in the west, and there another three angels and princes rule. The third throne is in the south, and another three angels rule there, and the others are mentioned more below.

  Note that three months will always serve under one throne, and one season, and will be known under it. Therefore the first angel is the prince, who is on the first throne and in the east, and dominates the first season and first month and is called Aysansasyel. He and the other princes are written above, each having many others serving them. Whichever ruling prince who gives to their obeying servants commands is to be called upon and named according to their season and order with their servants. Lastly, this first angel goes with the first season and month, and the second with the second season and month, the third with the third, and the fourth with the fourth, and so on for the rest.

Of the first season:

The prince Ragiel rules and dominates the second month with his servants.
The prince Dyrnaot rules and dominates the third month with his servants.

Of the second season:

The prince Tanenon rules and dominates the fourth month with his servants.
The prince Terogat rules and dominates the fifth month with his servants.
The prince Morel rules and dominates the sixth month with his servants.

Of the third season:

The prince Patedron rules and dominates the seventh month with his servants.
The prince Illdegage rules and dominates the eighth month with his servants.
The prince Andegor rules and dominates the ninth month with his servants.

Of the fourth season:

The prince Macgmel rules and dominates the tenth month with his servants.
The prince Assandaran rules and dominates the eleventh month with his servants.
The prince Abarthiel rules and dominates the twelfth month with his servants.

  Note also that as the names of the months are to be called upon, so too those of the days in which you will work, whose names are these: the first, the day of the lord is called Metraton, the second Yaspel, the third Geminiel, the fourth Gabriel, the fifth Michael, the sixth Raphael, and the seventh Sarphiel or Captiel, as written in sacred scripture. Distinguish the names and you will agree with scripture. And so the seasons are to be distinguished and known first, and then if you wish to finish your work in whatever work that you wish to carry out that you can distinguish and know the seasons, know then that the first season which begins the four seasons begins in the middle of March and ends in the middle of June, with the months of April and May in the middle, and these are the months of the first season, and have their associated astrological signs.

  And when the first season arrives with the three months as mentioned above, the three months and their princes can be adjusted, joined, named, and called upon in that season alone, because they are of the first season and first throne of the east. So the same goes for the second season and the season and throne of the west, the third and the season and throne of the south, and the fourth and the season and throne of the north.

  When you wish to conjure, write on paper, or invoke names, day the names of the angels ruling the season and month and height in which you carry out your work. The first height of the month is Nysan, the second is Yar, and so on for the others, that if you will work for good or goods, you will call on good angels, and if for evil call on evil angels. Thus you will carry out all that you wish to work, and thus your work will be fulfilled, since that which has been prescribed by the teaching of this book is true and certain.

  When it becomes proper for you to call the names of the Sun and the signs and the Moon and the earth and the four parts of the world, as the names of the Sun are four as the seasons are four, the first season will agree with the first, and you will name and call upon it, as the second with the second, the third with the third, and the fourth with the fourth. And whatever the three signs are in a particular season, use them. Likewise for the four names of the Moon, the four names of the Earth, the four names of the heavens, and the four names of the four parts of the world: the first name with the first season, the second for the second, the third for the third, and the fourth for the fourth, for all such things.

  Lest you forget, the sigil or seal of the day is written or painted above, and you should carry out or begin your work in its day and hour, since a great virtue is in the seal or sigil by which your works may be completed. Further, the names of the angels ruling the days of the week are to be called out. It follows that you have to call out their names on the operations of the week according to the day.

  The angel of the day of the Lord is Raphael, and if you will work on the day of the Lord, then name and call upon him, and so for all other things, as described in the above chapter completely, etc. Therefore, in all works, name the angel of the day on which you carry out your work and write it, that by it being inscribed, it will greatly help you with the power of the Creator.

  The names of the kings of spirits of the seven days of the week are written below, or all the angels ruling the days on which you carry out your work, and thus they will come and complete your wishes, and answer you in all questions.

  Therefore the king Baytan rules and serves the day of the Lord, and his helpers are Caatus, Candas, Vambal, and the others that you may come upon.

  Note that each day has an incense appropriate for itself, and with it you should fumigate your work in its smoke, and your work will be completed without doubt. The incense of the day of the Lord is red or yellow sandalwood or something similar, and thus for the others as they are encountered in turn as you come across them, no matter the operation you should do on any day.

  Note also that it is proper for you to write the names of the hours of the day in which you finish the work you carry out. The first hour of the day is called Yayn. In this hour letters are to be made for the destruction of the voices of men and their evil words, and for the binding of tongues, and so on as you come across the other hours, whether diurnal or nocturnal.

  Note also that when you wish to write a letter or carry out a work, it is proper for you to call out the name of the hour and the name of the lord of the hour, which is the angel who rules and ministers to it. These are the names of the angels ruling all hours of the weekdays. The first hour is ruled by Raphael, and so on for the others that you come across in the same way, and also for the hours of the night. The first hour of the night of the day of the Moon is ruled by Sarquiel, and so on for the others as you come across them, etc.

  Note also that this goes for all the hours mentioned above, and you should know that the angels are ruled or ministered by the hours according to the planets ruling or ministering unto them. All of the hours of the Sun are ruled or ministered to by Raphael, and so on for the others as you come across them, etc.

  Note also diligently of agreement, that you should make all of the above have concord and conjunction between them with the rules. The names of the angels should agree with their planet, day, angels, signs, and hours, and should answer to their names and heads as written above, as well as the angel who is mentioned in their own conjuration, as above in the heads of the images of the days which are ministered to in turn by the days. Thus, the Sun ministers to the day of the Lord, and his angel is Raphael, and his sign is Leo, and so on for the others as you come across them.

  It is proper for you to guard all of the above whenever you wish to work according to this book, and you will not be able to fail in anything, because you will come across this by whatever and whichever rules that you should have, and according to this book if you carry out this work and leave behind nothing, if you do not wish to err, and always note the first of the lunar month, because some of the days of the lunar month are good, some bad, as is told by this book. Therefore, the rule is thus that when you wish to work on some day of the week for food or evil, diligently note the day which may be performed considering the lunar month, as noted. And if the day be good and convenient, do not leave behind your work of the day or delay it, lest your work not come to its full effect and you think, perhaps, that it was a lie.

  Diligently turn away from this since, at the beginning of any one of your operations, you should write the names which answer to your wishes, and these are names from those of the Creator. When you wish to call upon these highest names, humbly bend your knees and invoke them like this:

  I invoke and humbly supplicate the highest names of God, that you aid us in such-and-such a work for its completion and execution: Agnas, Yana, god of Israel, Ybat, Suliat, Gnalas, Yemssamon, Haa, Dosa, Barian, Barian, etc.

I call upon and name you, Captiel, the angel set over the seventh day, which is the day of the Sabbath, that you work for me and not desist until all my wishes have been brought about to their effect. I call upon and name you, King Mayron, Assayby, and your assistants Abymalib and Haybaly, Dot and Yfla, that you work for me and do not cease until you have completed my desires and wholly completed my cause.

  I call upon and name you, o angels who preside over the day of the Sabbath, Captiel, Mataton, and Sarquiel who is Satraquiel, that you work for me and not leave me until all my wishes have been brought about to their effect. I call upon you, o holiest name of God, Agnas, Yana, god of Israel, Ydar, Subar, Gnabas, Yemssamon, Haa, Dosa, Barian, and seek of you with all my heart and mouth that you deign to hear and aid me, and to fulfill all my desires, that I may be allowed to see a thousand armies in my service.

  I call upon you, Cyayn, the first hour of the day, that you help me and make me see the armed spirits I have called, and you as well, Yan, who is the second hour, and you Dasura, the third hour, and you, Sala, the fourth hour.

  I call upon and name the angels ruling those hours, Raphael and Anael and Michael and Gabriel. I call on Saturn and his angel Captiel, and his signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and their sigils which are these:

that they may aid me and make all the spirits I have called appear unto me, roused into my service.

  I call you and name you, o Earth, who in the four seasons are called Yemat or Yameaa, that you aid me and make the spirits I have called armed into my service. I call and name you, o angels who serve the four seasons, Amabel, Terayl, and Atrarayl, that you make those spirits come in the form of an army, armed into my service. I call you, o strong angels Castiel, Matraton, and Fatael, that you fulfill my wishes and make those spirits come. Come now by the sigil of Saturn, you spirits Genuum, Altibayn, Aflas, Analuabet, Eya, Mittaton, Sathane, or any other angels sent forth, that you be in this hour in my service, and bring forth the spirits Amamim, Astabam, and Hactanaabit, that they come quickly to carry out my orders, by the blessed name Abilfaelfiel, Anogodym, Dyamaon, Ana, Ana, Saoday, Athym, Adyr, Essiday, A, Daymior, Sabat, Adonay, Eloym, Eloe, Gna, Cythe, Seredye, Assylla, Yssessus, and Agnabora. O company of angels, Cassiel, Matraton, and Satquiel, bring me Mira, Affla, Abralualit, Sayp, and Aladep, that they may now complete my desires by this holy conjuration, and by the conjuration I have made. I call you o Tomitat, the name of the Sun in the fourth season, that you aid me to make the spirits I have called come in the form of an army into my service. I call upon you, o names of the signs of the fourth season, that you help me with the same to make the spirits I have called come into my service, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. I beg and call upon you, o Saarlaquia, the anme of the Moon in the fourth season, that you aid me for making the spirits I have called come in the form of an army into my service. I plead and call upon you, O Salafen, the name of the heavens in the fourth season, that you help me to make the spirits I have called come in the form of an army into my service. I call upon and beg you, o names of the four parts of the world of the East, Pedyoth, Malchaam, Mendie, and Danoe, and Yamhor of the North, that you help me and make the spirits I have called come in the form of an army into my service.

24. Favorable and Unfavorable Days of the Month for Inscriptions 

  Some days of the month are good and some bad for the inscription of letters. The first day of the month, of course, is wholly good. The second day is good in the morning, and no more. On the third you should do nothing. The fourth day is wholly good. The fifth day [is good] until the third hour, and no more. The sixth day you are to do nothing. On the seventh day, the first hour is good, and no more. The morning of the eighth is good. You must do nothing on the ninth. On the tenth day you must do absolutely nothing, since this is bad for doing all things. The eleventh is wholly good. The twelfth is good until the third or fourth hour. On the thirteenth, do nothing. The fourteenth is wholly good. On the fifteenth day, do nothing. The morning of the sixteenth is good, after which doing nothing is better. The seventeenth and eighteenth are bad until noon, and afterwards are good. You must do nothing on the nineteenth. The mornings of the the twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second are good and no more. Do nothing on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth. The twenty-fifth is bad, not good. Do nothing on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. The twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth are completely good.

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