Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

A Truth About Twin Flames That You Are NOT Ready To Hear.

OK I get it. There are many truths and many realities that we experience and this and that. So this is just another version of a truth that might resonate with you or not. I wanted to speak about this for 6 years, but I tried to bring a much more "human" and rational explanation to this phenomenon through my articles and videos ( check my videos HERE)

  The truth on Twin Flames is far beyond of what you think you knew so far. The truth is that in this timeline we live, the genuine Twin Flame is only one person, one individual in their own version of reality. The other is only a catalyst, most of the times a "backdrop person" controlled by Archons, who imitate your real shadow self projection or your real Twin Flame, that (if you are aware and developed enough) will help you to recognize and heal old wounds, false perception systems and dogmas by creating a trauma-bonding which links a victim with their abuser (Stockholm Syndrome & Honey Moon effect) but not always with the intention to help you, but they act also with the intention to trap Lightworkers in endless loops of victimization and abuse, and keep them away from their purpose of helping themselves and others to break free from the reincarnation game.

  Many of the people who are experiencing this "relationship", they feel really anxious at the beginning or they feel extreme negativity with no reason and even strange vibrations in their body (shakes, heart palpitation etc) which is a warning sign from our Higher Self due to negative intentions from other entities. We also see that in this process we go through a lot of agony, abandonment, excusing and allowing toxic behaviors for extended periods of times, victimization, addictions, obsession, lack of clarity and proper communication, and even physical diseases, which is a sign of misalignment with our Source. We also see the degradation of moral structures with many of those people cheating on others, leaving their families and husbands or wives to go after their "Twin Flame" who at the end of the day will leave them too, as this is the original plan of this concept.

  During the so called "Runner and Chaser" stage, the runner actually has other sexual partners, or they go back to their ex and they will never reveal the truth or tell you anything about what they were doing when they return. Or they run away to create confusion and to punish the other for no reason at all.

  Narcissistic traits are obvious and all over the place, but the other part is deeply confused and obsessed due to the "spell" they are under, and the only way out is to use the process of the "Dark Night of the Soul" (read about it HERE) in order to "kill" their old self, and advance to a higher version of themselves who is aware of these traps and knows how to raise safe boundaries by removing neediness for love and attention.

  Also there are many Shadow workers and "backdrop people" who advertise this process as something romantic and dreamy, to keep needy people in endless loops of hopes for a so called "Union", distorting (distortion - διαβάλω - διάβολος - devil) the truth behind powerful spiritual processes or attacks, so they can keep feeding from the fear and pain of Lightworkers. These people are all over the internet and you will recognize them from their way that attack others or by their way to insist that their own experience was really magical and is the real TF truth, and they will also excuse cheating on others, they promote unethical concepts, they are overly obsessed with converting others to their own belief systems etc.

  When we are in alignment and in tune with the Divine, there is a feeling of security and ease, there is love, communication, honesty, morality and integrity. And why a Twin Flame is only one person? And what is the real hidden calling and blessing in this situation?

  A Twin Flame concept is a journey of balancing our own duality which was distorted for thousands of years. We are called to bring the Divine Feminine and her purity back in this Masculine ruled world, protecting Mother Gaia and her creatures, by balancing our Masculine and Feminine Energies within our consciousness. 

  We are called to embrace veganism, we are called to erase the Archonian programs which desensitize our core awareness, leading us to treat other living beings in a horrible way, having no real conscious awareness of our actions. 

  We are called to empower our Left and Right hemispheres and bring them in "Union" while we also create a healthy coherence between our Heart and Mind in order to become conscious powerful manifestors who act from a place of compassion and love.

  We are called to honor our integrity by honoring ourselves and our fellow beings and partners instead of excusing cheating for the sake of "spiritual labels" or trying to excuse our habits because "this is what gives me protein" kind of excuses.

  This is a war but also a stage that we will recognize who is a genuine Warrior of Light who speaks and acts through a place of genuine Love and Ethos. The Light will prevail again. The Shadows are brought to the Light for us to know who truly belongs in the tribe of the Rainbow.

  My fellow rare Starseeds. Remember this. We are few. But powerful enough to take over this reality and form a new consciousness for Mother Gaia - Pistis Sofia to rule again in peace and harmony. Stay strong. Stay in the Light.

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#Astrogenesis #MovingAhead #AlexFtoulis


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