Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

Why We Attract Toxic Relationships & How To Stop This!



Text was copied from YouTube subtitles

  Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing today i'm going to talk about a subject that bothers almost all people in all over the world which is why we keep attracting all these negative toxic friends and relationships in our lives and i'm going to go down in the rabbit hole and if you're easily triggered don't listen to this video this video is for all those people that had enough and they woke up from the dream of the society in religious programming that induces nightmares in our lives and we don't deserve that anymore it's time for us to claim the love that we are worthy and believe me everybody is worthy of love so when we were young we had an experience with a toxic environment perhaps our family a narcissistic mother or a father abusive alcoholic father or even bullied in school high school etc so in order to defend our emotions and our sanity we start labeling things and uh attitudes and we wanted to excuse and find the reason oh my mother did this because she was also abused then i'm going to try to forgive her and things went worse when we start having spiritual teachings from a variety of religions and people that made things a lot worse because they keep saying you forgive and forget and excuse them and you must accept them which somehow okay of course forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools but to not put responsibility upon other people's actions but to excuse them this creates a trap for our future because we say all right i had this father alcoholic etc and he went some things he was also a human etc etc but most of the people later on they also become alcoholics and they also beat their children and violence keeps going on and going on which is one form of generational curses so what we are called to do about that is to actually realize that whatever we've been through was completely wrong of course forgive them but it is time to claim what we are really worthy of love excitement enthusiasm all that is wonderful we have to laugh and love more but because we didn't do that and we kept excusing unexcusable actions and attitudes all of our lives guess what later on when we become adults we keep attracting such people because our focal point our attention because of the wounds and the traumas that are residing in our energetic fields and which sometimes creates negative thought forms which fit out of the fear element so we keep attracting such relationship in order to keep feeding these thought forms these belief systems and these excuses because we kept excusing and at the same time we water down our worthiness or how and how much love we can receive so when we are now experiencing a toxic relationship we keep repeating the same things as we were young and we are going after those who abuse us we see that in twin flame communities that they neglect them they are running away of them they don't answer their phones they don't say happy birthday with no reason they do all these crazy things they are lying they are cheating and guess what the other side is keep running after them for 10 and 20 and 30 years which is a serious case of victimization and this arises from the childhood from false spiritual teachings first of all i will tell that again it is very important to forgive but you should never forget for giving is allowing the other person to be what they want to be but at the same time i have to raise safe boundaries for what i accept in the future for what i need to claim in order to be in a high vibration which is love enthusiasm support sincerity communication excitement oh that is wonderful but guess what if somebody has this issue and then they have that issue and we keep excusing we keep allowing things are getting worse and worse you deserve love you don't deserve hate and abandonment and all these things but we keep allowing that because we learn to keep excusing people's attitudes and actions under many labels stop excusing other people's attitudes if you don't like something remember what you truly want give them a warning say out loud that this is who i am and this is what i deserve i do not accept that except actually you have to say what you accept i accept love in my life enthusiasm sincere people if you keep instead of excusing saying out loud what you truly want and going boldly after what you truly deserve then one day you're going to fix that pattern because instead of excusing you're only going to attract what you truly want and what you truly are worthy of which are all the good things in life so in order for you to stop attracting toxic families and toxic partners and sick environments in work and schooling wherever you are right now go back and say okay my mother was a narcissist period or she didn't treat me well that's it she didn't she wasn't in alignment with love she wasn't loving i don't say oh she did that because her father and torn excuse stop excusing things and make a list and start writing down all the wonderful things you want to experience in everyday affirmative i am now receiving love excitement enthusiastic people in my life that make me laugh that love me i care for me that they look for me they answer their my messages they answer my phone calls and i have a wonderful relationship and communication with new amazing wonderful people my partner loves me honors me and respects me don't excuse don't allow stop all these all spiritual perceptions that you have forgive but don't forget that abuse is there only to make us go through years and years and years of healing just to accept love again this is what abused us there is no lesson when you go after what you are being through abusive relationships the damage that is done to you your vibration goes lower the damage needs to be healed in order for you to accept love and money again because love and money is the same thing so we see broken people abuse people going uh into alcohol they are broke they have no home they are homeless etc because they were abused as child claim what you are worthy my dear friend you are worthy of love make your list and affirm what you are truly after every day forgive but never forget abuse is not there to teach us something but is there only for us to stop it from going from generation to generation you are here to stop the generational curse by becoming and claiming love by being love this is my message to you hope you like my videos if you like my videos smash the like button subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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