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Why Do You Fail At Manifesting ( And How To Fix It )



Text was copied from YouTube subtitles

  Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing why do you think people fail to manifest their goals and dreams even if they try even if they meditate even if they are using all these tools they found over the internet today i'm going to talk to you about one specific and important thing which i discovered in 24 years of researches i created a protocol that i use in my coaching sessions which is called uv unique frequency identity you see each and every one of us emits a specific vibration which is composed by their own zodiac programming along with what i call fsr family society and religious programming you see when you are in beta wave which is the conscious wave during the day doing your your job you are walking down the street you are talking with your friends and you are doing things you are emitting from the beta and in the beta wavelength you are also emitting your current zodiac programming and your current family society and religious programming vibration so let's say you're trying to manifest a new girlfriend but your family and your religion taught you that you can only be in a relationship with someone that has the same religion or the same ethnicity or this or that even if you are trying to not believe in what other people taught you you are currently vibing from their own perspective because their own information found away and intruded into your own subconscious mind so your subconscious mind is based on zodiac programming and your family society and religious programming which composes your unique frequency identity so no matter what you're doing if you're trying to write 500 times that you are with this girl or you are already in the house of your dreams but in your current frequency you are carrying information that contradicts what you are trying to manifest it will always fail or it will come and we will go away easily so the best way for us to reach within our unconscious mind and bring out what contradicts our current desire i will tell you on simple exercise that you can do at your home and it will be really really powerful and it will help you tremendously in order for you to find what blocks you and how you can go out of there in order to manifest what you truly desire first of all take a notepad and on the left page you're going to write all the information that you took from the family from the your religion that you used to follow or you're currently following the society that you've been raised and also some attributes or from from your zodiac let's say uh you're a leo and you are truly powerful and motivating but you are mostly focusing on yourself and in order for you to have love you must learn to focus on other people too so you're going to write down that because i'm a leo and these characteristics that i was programmed in this lifetime to go through in order to ascend actually because your zodiac programming is not there to control you but is there to help you see your current limitation your current lesson and ascend from that stage and go into a different state of being a higher level of consciousness so write down a couple things from your zodiac you can find it over the internet there are so many articles and some things that your family told you perhaps you want to manifest a new job but your father used to tell you that you are a useless piece of blah blah blah so you are carrying that burden within you and on the right page you are going to write like i am able i'm capable i'm a loving being i'm offering love to other people i'm focusing to other people too i am skillful i am master to the job i am doing and i do it perfectly and i can have a raise in my salary or i can have this house because i can believe in my powers and i want to believe and i believe in my powers no matter what your family taught you no matter what the society taught you and no matter what the religious program you have or your zodiac programming induces in your psyche whatever you want to ascend from so take your time take one one desire and my own advice is for you to work um at one desire at a time you want a girlfriend that's fine but you don't want a girlfriend you want love you want affection you want to go out to the movies you want to have fun you want to have a wonderful sexual relationship you want to laugh you want to have a good time so if some guilt it was created in your family don't try to write 500 times down or meditate or do this or that without going to the root of the problem which is your subconscious mind that information went there from these two main domains which i referred before zodiac programming and the fsr which is a family society in religious programming in our own coaching we use tools advanced tools to enter like the root method and the rob method to enter into the unconscious mind bring out the information by actually unblocking the cellular memory with topping exercises and with psychoanalysis we can make the time move even faster when you are going towards the manifestation of your dreams because if you have contradictory information the time will always be slower when you are trying to achieve something and actually in that slowness in that limit of time which saturn brings into manifestation it will also create opposite results unwanted results so we want to move fast out of the old subconscious mind into the new self because the subconscious is there to be treated as a friend and to be treated wisely carefully choose information we want to fit into our subconscious mind by choosing the perfect material that will help us ascend from lower states of being into higher states of consciousness where there there's high vibration and manifestation happens faster so i hope you like my video if you like my videos smash the like button subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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