Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

What Is The Truth About Runner & Chaser In Twin Flames (And How To End It)


Text taken from YouTube substitles

Greetings and blessings from beautiful friends how you doing the most discussed subject in twin flame relationships is that of the runner and chaser dynamics and today i'm going to dive deep for one more time in order for you to have clarity and learn the precious information that you are seeking if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified when i post a new video and also click the like button because it helps other people see the video and benefit from i've been leading a community of almost 2 million people the past six years through my platform and blog laughing socrates and i saw so many people remaining stagnated waiting for their lover to come back 10 20 30 and even 40 years and today i'm going to reveal to you how you end up in that stage at the end of the video i'm going to reveal how to put an end to that first of all the main reason which creates that dynamic and eventually we have that face in our relationship with the twin flame is what we call excess potential when we put a lot of importance to any subject to any desire we have to any person and in that case we feel a lot of love but that love comes with underlying sense of abundance because of our childhood wounds or even unresolved karma from previous lifetimes so that excess energy for the universe to be able to balance these energies because of its law it creates a gap between us and our desired object which in that case it is our twin flame we love them so much with so much intensity which though it gives the signal to the universe that we don't feel capable enough to be without person we don't feel the love that we truly deserve so we are running after that and we claim that person we want them as our relationship we want to be with them which leads us to the second reason that creates this stage you see twin flames is a spiritual process it is not a typical romantic relationship if it was a normal relationship we wouldn't call it twin flame or with any other name so when we turn that particular relationship into something physical we want to have sex with a person we want to hold them by the hand we want to cuddle with them and of course this is normal but in that case it is good for us to avoid going into a physical connection with that person because it is there only for a spiritual reason to challenge to us wonderful information to help us with our own accession to help us remove unresolved karma and to give us all these wonderful information that will help us generate a higher frequency and reach higher level of consciousness through channeling through their presence in our life but of course the runner chaser has also a meaning to help us raise safe boundaries to help us learn how to love ourselves deeper so when we are changing the dynamic of a spiritual process into a physical one again we come with issues we are needy we come into that relationship with attachment issues with neediness which again creates excess potential which is the reason that that person goes away and again this is the reason when twin flames turn toxic and represent a narcissist in our own reality but in reality they reflect some of our own narcissistic traits and issues and in that case when someone turns into a narcissist it is good to not run after them because we are going to give the signal to the universe that it is okay for us to have such experiences and not only we are going to create more gap between us and that person but we are going to attract more of these people more of weaklings narcissists needy people lower entities that they will absorb our energy and they will act as energy vampires in our lives because we give the signal to the universe that we are victims and people who support the idea of runner and chaser they have really big issues with victimization they don't feel worthy they don't respect their own self they don't love themselves they don't know how to raise save boundaries so they are running after their own abuser which of course in my articles we talk about the stockholm syndrome and which people are running after their abuser so when you are in immediate connection with a person that runs away from you and we call it runner and chaser the truth is that this particular phase is called silent treatment and it is a normal thing for narcissists so instead of going out and searching in google or random pages and see what other people wrote go within your heart and ask yourself do i deserve abundant man do i deserve someone who constantly runs away from me who never replies to my messages who never comes to my birthday he he never comes when i need someone or do i have to keep on with these underlying issues or is it is the time to heal myself one again wrong thing that people teach out there is that of healing yourself in order to bring someone back we just said many times this is wrong you heal yourself because you love yourself and you owe that to yourself and other people and because this is also one of the reasons that created all these crazy dynamics because you didn't work on yourself before going after a relationship or you were already married or in another relationship you didn't manage to fix anything and you are moving into that new one with karma with guilt um with all these negative energies because you betrayed someone else you are not standing your ground ethically and morally and you bring all these energies to the new relationship without healing yourself without learning your lesson without being morally ethically responsive to this life like to respond in whatever happens to you with ethos and morality instead going after your bodily issues or you want to have sex or you want to have new experiences but you are not working also with your soul so because you didn't work with yourself enough you end up in that situation so you should do that you must do that from before it is not proper to start working like they have one like an exercise with a mirror and you visualize some things that's crazy because why should i heal myself to bring someone who abandons me back in my life come on guys you need to wake up you need to claim the love you deserve by feeding yourself and others with respect before you go into relationships before you manifest any twin flame before you judge others and blame others because of all your own unresolved issues and of course they also have their own issues if they run away if they don't reply to your messages and we don't want that experience in our life so when you are in that stage in order to enter dynamic go within yourself and ask don't start healing ask yourself do i want that do i want people who run away from me do i want to heal myself just for the sake of somebody else or because i want to treat myself with love and kindness in order later on other people will also treat me the same way not right now because if you want to end that and bring someone back in your life which now represents a toxic aspect of their own cellular of your own self guess what if you want that yeah you can heal and you can bring them back and end that scenario but you are not learning you are not learning your lesson so to stop that learn your lesson elevate that person will come back you will end up dynamic but you are not going to have relationship with them because they are here to help you elevate to help you learn so you can become more spiritually conscious more ethical and more moral so you can return back to your mission as a light worker and help other people elevate with your love and support you can have a relationship but with a different person you can call soul mate whatever you want to call i don't have a problem but to inflames it is something holy something beautiful unfortunately they have a lot of dynamics we want them i understand them we truly want to have a normal relationship but unfortunately that's not the case so accept the the twin flame as a process bless them learn from your mistakes help other people also heal but first heal yourself to end all that circle of abuse which happens in your life and most probably is going to happen in your children's life if you don't study i hope you like my videos if you like my video subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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