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What Is Neville Goddard's SATS & Simple Guide To Meditation


Text was copied from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessed is my beloved friends how you doing today i'm going to talk about such method of visualization and manifestation that used to be taught by neville goddard and i'm also going to teach you at the end of this video a wonderful and easy way for you to start meditating and eventually reach the theta brain wave that is capable to bring your desires into actual manifestation first of all if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the like button and leave a comment below i am free to enter my weekly giveaway of my latest book manifest fridays SATSis the acronym for state akin to sleep before we go to sleep we move from beta to alpha brainwaves and eventually we reach theta and neville had to teach this particular method because many people are not able to reach that state while meditating because this takes a lot of practice and a lot of time but actually by meditating and reaching theta is much more efficient but for anyone who is new to these teachings and these practices such method is very efficient because before you go to sleep you can reach theta and if you are visualizing and feeling as if your desire is already manifested while you're about to fall asleep this is going to plan a seat a powerful seat in your subconscious mind that will bring results but the key here is to be able to visualize and feel and be focused while you're about to fall asleep the key is to practice start 10 minutes before you're going to sleep and visualize breathe deeply relax and create a small scene let's say you hear a friend congratulating you that you already got what you want another thing important thing is to use all of your senses use hearing the sensation of smell touching let's say you hear your friend but your friend also shakes your hand and you can also smell his perfume or if you don't have any friend to use this technique you can immerse yourself in that scene create a small scene let's say you want a car visualize yourself inside a car smell the smell of the car feel the wheel as you touch it here the motor or the highway as you're passing by as you are driving use all of your senses immerse yourself relax at the same time have a focus and allow yourself to become one with a sin and then slowly slowly go to sleep and take that sin with you this is the sats methods but also meditation can achieve that result in a much more powerful way but it takes time and i'm going to teach you a wonderful and easy way in order for you to successfully start meditating and reach theta brain waves i'm going to talk about the three major aspects of meditation while you are now beginning while you are at the first stage the first of all is relaxation consciously relaxing all of your muscles begin by the second part the breathing which is the second aspect and breathe rhythmically four seconds in four seconds out four seconds in four seconds out and keep breathing in that pattern and while you do that consciously focus at the top of your head go to your eyelids relax your jaws relax your neck relax your shoulders relax your chest relax your spine and your belly and move down to your feet and while you see it with your spine erected you can't see it in a half lotus posture or just on a chair but have your spine erected at a straight position the third part is using a mantra i also use mundra which is hand gestures but that's not to be mentioned you can use a mantra in order for you to keep your mind focused at one point because you see the mind is like a monkey it jumps from theme to theme from subject to subject and it will not allow you to reach what you desire the theta brainwave so a wonderful mantra to use is i am not the body i am not the mind breathing i am not the body relax i am not the mind breathing i am not the body relax use these three aspects focus on these three aspects relaxation breathing and your mantra relaxation feel your body relaxed keep your breathing in a circular rhythmic pattern four seconds in four seconds out there are so many techniques to use but this particular one for beginners has wonderful results and if you keep that pattern of relaxation circular rhythmic pattern of breathing and by telling yourself i am not the body i am not the mind you are going to slowly go into alpha which is powerful enough but we want to go to theta and the last in a powerful way is while you do that hear your voice telling i am not the audience and ask yourself who speaks right now and ask one more question who observed the one who asked the question and while you do that you're going to be removed by the position of the tour to the position of the observer and eventually you are going to go in the eye which is the i am and this is the most powerful meditation you are going away from the doer from the observer into the infinite source of all beings and this is my friend is meditation if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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