Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul (And How To Go Through It)


Text taken from YouTube subtitles 

Greetings and blessed are beautiful friends how are you doing today's subject is about the most cruel and difficult spiritual and psychological development process which of course is called the dark knight of the soul if you're new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the bell icon so you can get notified each time i post a new video and also click the like button because it will help other people see the video and benefit from of course if you have been through that process i won't be able to describe your pain and your suffocation that you are experiencing or you experienced before because i also been through that process and no matter what word i am trying to find to describe the pain it will never be enough you see the dark knight of the soul appears lately through what we called a twin flame relationship phenomenon and of course the twin flame is the trigger for that process but this is not where it originates from when i used to study occultism i found the same process described by old books and it happened in the lives of the magis the people who were meant to follow the art of magic you see magic is the ultimate art of alchemy you know how to use the different elements of earth astrological alignments numerology and so many other wonderful tools in order for you to help other people or even sometimes to destroy them so when it happens in your life it is a stage that you are called to endure from two months up to two years of extreme pain it seems like you're having panic attacks that are in combination with all of your old issues of abandonment neglection and of course this is where the twin flame points out and triggers this process and is being triggered once you are going in the runner and chaser stage where they abandon you they are not replying to your messages suddenly all of your old traumas from your childhood but also from past lifetimes they come to the surface and they haunt you until you literally kill your old self in my own case as i mentioned in my previous videos the only thing that made me feel good it was staring from the third floor that i used to live down and thinking about suiciding but of course that was a metaphor of killing my old self but the energies were so strong that it will literally put me in that place of constantly thinking of killing myself but is all about killing your old self and what remains from the old self besides the emotions is the thought patterns that little voice which keeps telling you that you are not worthy enough that's why your twin flame abandoned you you are not good enough that's why your friends abandoned you through that stage you see when you are going uh through the dark night of the soul a lot of things happen first that emotional turbulence which are cured through that process creates also physical ailments because your physical sickness begin from the world of your psychology of your perception of your thoughts and emotions so because you're going through a lot of negativity and you feel all these negative emotions and you can't do almost nothing you know you know you there is almost nothing that you can do but at the end of the video i'm going to give you some tips i will help you go through that stage much easier and eventually go out of there so when you feel all this negativity physical sickness arises from your psyche and affects your body so while you're going through that stage sometimes you cannot be out on the sunlight you don't feel like going out and see the sunlight or see happy people or see anyone and you want to be in your room i used to hug myself in the corner of my room for hours feeling so many negative emotions i was so desperate i was so wounded nothing could make me feel better and i used to try everything from meditation to drugs nothing absolutely nothing could make me feel better but later on i discovered some things some different things that i never tried before and actually this is where you are killing your old self and you are bringing the new advanced self first of all i began socializing because i didn't want to i pushed myself and i went out to coffee places and i sit there by myself with my laptop and i was walking back in the day and my blog laughing socrates which now leads two million people and it helps twin flames from all over the world and i used to build up my block and i tried to talk with people at first that was really hard i used to go to the bathroom and i was crying like a little child everything was triggering me i lost completely my appetite i lost so many kilos i become a different person literally nothing could make me feel better but i pushed then i started walking and until today i walk five kilometers every day because back in the day i couldn't i couldn't see the sunlight i couldn't see other people i couldn't do anything else rather than being in my room hugging myself and crying for hours and only thinking about killing myself but because i started doing these things slowly and eventually i went out from the stage and i grew stronger and wiser and one more thing which is really important back in the day i used to have a lot of programming from my own religion and i was afraid anything regarding to magic occultism and anything that it was connected to darkness but this process which is called dark knight of the soul led me to study magic even black magic because my curiosity literally led me to a world of hidden secrets that gave me the power to be much more effective in my coaching practice in the way i was treating myself in my environment with my thoughts emotions and also the techniques i learned from magic so it removed the fear of me going into dark places to discover about this amazing world of alchemy white gray and black magic of course you use these tools according to your own psyche if you're a good person you do good if you're a bad person you're gonna do bad but of course after going that process you don't think about hurting anyone else you become so humble everything seems for you so important from now on your thoughts your emotions your actions whatever you say whatever you believe because you are so afraid of going back in that place that you take care of everything from now on so if you're going through that process i will give you one more and the most important hint in my personal opinion help other people volunteer by putting out positive energy to your environment it will be reflected back to you and it is the most powerful way to heal that process and eventually help you elevate and go away from your old self because by giving out other people the mirror effect of the universe is going to give back to you all the love but of course you're not good doing that because you want to heal i did that because i wanted other people to learn about this to go away from people who are running away from them and claim the love they deserve and claim their dignity and because i i kept doing that i socialized more i met more people i had amazing experiences i even had people coming from another countries to meet me because of their gratitude of my presence in their life and i used to be present in their life when i couldn't when i was suffering but then slowly and eventually by walking alone exercising being out of the sunlight helping other people eventually pulled out myself from that misery of the dark knight of the soul which of course it will be beneficial once you go out of there but while you are in there it creates all these problems physical sickness i cannot find words to describe the pain you are going through so if you are going through that process right now i wish you from the bottom of my heart for you to move out soon learn from your lessons grow wiser and eventually join us the magi family which twin flame processes leads you to remember that you are a great alchemist you are connected with mother earth and mother earth called quotas here to help her to help animals to help the people ascend to a higher vibration not being in endless loop of trying to find a perfect romantic relationship without twin flame no it's time for us to go back to our mission and help mother earth and help everyone who is in need to ascend from lower levels of consciousness to a higher vibration and feel happy everyone must feel happy and excited and be healthy and loved in this lifetime so i hope you like my videos if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in upcoming videos stay tuned.

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