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Transurfing 101 - How To Eliminate Excess Potential To Get What You Want



  Text was copied from YouTube subtitles

  Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing today i'm going to talk about a wonderful subject taken from the book transurfing of vadim zealand and it's called excess potential and those who are familiar with the teachings of abraham hicks they are going to find a similarity with what esther likes to call the path of least resistance excess potential in a way is energy that is not balanced and the universe will find a way to induce a balance to our thoughts emotions and actions when we want something really really bad let's say we want a house but we want it really really bad first of all we send out to the universe two energies first of all why we want to go out of that house perhaps there is a toxic family perhaps there is a toxic partner or the house is old or the area that we are currently live is not what we want and we really want to move out second we really want that new house really really bad we sent out to the universe that we don't have it so the universe will reflect back to us the lack of it and the other reason is the negativity we feel right now because there is a toxic family or a toxic partner in our current environment and we are not in and at peace with our current situation so we send out a negative frequency a negative energy out of the universe so that experience is going to remain as it is and sometimes it might get even worse because the universe wants us in order for us to move on to find peace to find actually the lesson of our current circumstances of our current scenario in life because you see each thing we are currently experiencing it has a causation point in our past something we did or we believed or we thought or we said in the past created our current circumstances so we need to change how we speak how we think how we perceive things before we can move on so the excess potential has two functions the balancing function of the universe which wants the energies to be always balanced and the function of the lesson the learning aspect because we have to learn how to control our energies our beliefs our thoughts our emotions in order to create probable realities that are much more suited to our desires goals and dreams another example is when we put so many titles we feel entitled we we say that we are brilliant athletes super successful entrepreneurs but at the same time we can't prove it because we believe that we are in order to cover some of our personal issues we many people don't want to admit that they still learn or they are not capable enough yet to be what they want to be so they put titles over themselves and at the same time because they feel entitled about a certain thing they don't accept help they don't accept collaborations they don't accept advices because they believe they already know everything and the universe will find a way to bring them back to humbleness to make them humble again you see the universe loves humble people and those who actually have the experience and the power to call themselves but they don't but instead they offer value and help to other people in order to eliminate excess potential we need to see where we put a lot of attention in a a lot of energy with no reasoning or like we believe that something is not possible or like buying a new house or a new car it's impossible for us or it's too good and we want it oh having a car it would be really good right now or having money it's so important for us right now and having it is all we want to to to go after and to do many things in order to to gain more money or more possessions so we put a lot of energy on that a lot of importance so in excess potential we learn if we put a lot of importance on something the universe will find a way to remove that importance and it's like letting go but in excess potential we learn it from the point of energy differential you see i want a new house but if i don't find the peace where i am right now even if i manifest a new house soon enough i will find that problems will arise in the new environment because i didn't find peace i didn't learn the lesson in my past experiences in order for me to grow and balance the energies instead of me wanting i will appreciate more of what i have right now and focus in the moment of now with soothing energies rising within my psyche instead of warring or wanting too much of something that way i put a lot of importance to that subject to that house to that car to that relationship that title i claim to be and at the same time i push it away so instead take a moment be silent be thankful for everything you have right now and take a moment and see what is the lesson that i'm going through another thing vadim zealand says take a moment wake in the moment of now that you are currently going through wake up and ask the question what this moment has to teach me what is actually the advantage of this current moment be silent observe be thankful and go after your goal like is really easy like is something wonderful but not so important because once you put excess energy the universe will find a way to balance it i hope you like my videos if you like my videos smash the like button subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned

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