Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The True Meaning Behind The Number 333


Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessings my wonderful friends how you doing this video is about the wonderful number 333 and what it means for you and what is the sign that the universe yourself tries to give you in order for you to move on in your life and have a better life and better experiences if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the like button and comment below i am free to enter my latest giveaway of my book manifest fridays i'm going to explain something different on all the rest and this is why in this channel we preach about the truth and the true meanings because we base our knowledge into facts astrology numerology occultism tarot and other wonderful tools which support the truth behind these wonderful synchronicities you see three is about trinity connection three which resembles one thing in that case in our current version of reality the trinity is not father holy ghost and these things it is your current perception in your belief system that it was programmed by society family and your religion which creates thought patterns and habitual patterns that are currently running in your own system your own operating system which lead the third part into emotions and actions and emotions along with actions manifest your current version of your reality so when you see 333 obviously it's a sign for you to start thinking that what you're after or what you are doing right now perhaps there is a belief system or a pattern of a perception that you carry from your mother your father from your religion or from anyone that came up with an idea and influence your subconscious mind which in turn creates your emotions your beliefs your actions and it controls your life so you need again to take a step back and see does my desire is based on fear based on avoiding escapism am i looking to fix something in my life by bringing a certain desire which is totally wrong with what i want because of a belief system or a perception that i am carrying since my childhood because of my father or perhaps i learned that in school or in my religion or anything take a moment and relax and observe what am i going after what is my desire what do i look to find in my relationship in my life in my financial situation how am i going after that do i use the proper tools to go there or there is a quadratic belief which keeps me away from actually going there and i'm going to go to the second part which the number 333 symbolizes creativity perhaps what we are doing right now is not good enough to bring our desires into friction so we need to find other more creative ideas and try more things so when you see three three three it's time for you to start doing different things or try different things or be more creative or even try something and if it fails try something else and don't give up keep on trying and keep on being creative and the third part number 333 symbolizes as i said in the beginning connection which means if you want something you need to do it in collaboration with the people that are currently in your life in a loving supportive way and you are going to use them in a loving way in a collaborative way to go after your dreams they are going to help you you have in your life people that can actually help you but you have to call them you have to seek for them you have to ask them kindly for their support and help connection with other people is significant in order for us to go further towards our goals and desires connection though happens when we are humble when we accept others and we don't judge them so another sign which the number 333 gives us is to accept our friends our current environment not judge them accept them as they are accept the help they can offer perhaps you seek more of what they can give to you right now instead accept and they can give you like five euro five dollars and you can go and buy groceries it's okay but if you keep asking for more or seeking or judging like oh my god he has more but he's not giving me you don't know don't go into assumptions perhaps he used to have money and he lost it and he is now able to give you like five euro five dollars so accept what they give to you your friends accept the connection be loving and kind and be grateful remember also the number one lesson which is your current perception and belief system so if you believe things about them that are not allowing them to help you shift that say loving things affirm wonderful things like my friends are here and they help me and support me and i love them and they love me and we have wonderful connection connection change your perception and allow the flow of abundance to come in your life in a beautiful loving supportive collaborative way if you love my videos and if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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