Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

The 3 Most Important Things You Can Do Once You Meet Your Twin Flame


Text taken from YouTube subtitles

Greetings and blessings by beloved friends how you doing today i'm going to reveal to you three really important things that you must do in order for you to keep the special person that we call twin flame in your life for a longer period of time and to have a healthier relationship with them without the intense and extreme dynamics that comes out from unresolved karma if you are new to my channel feel free to subscribe click the like button and comment below i am free to enter my weekly giveaway of my latest book manifest fridays you see when we meet that special person we start labeling we learned nowadays to label people soul mates karmic toxic this and that this is the first thing we need to avoid before we enter into the three things that we need to avoid first thing before our subject don't label anyone so the first thing that you need to do is to stay away from assumptions and never rush anything move yourself away from whatever you learned so far because your current knowledge your current system of beliefs contradicts the beauty and the holiness of that relationship so when we put our current belief system into our judgmental behavior and we look from that perspective that person that twin flame we start making assumptions based on the old programming and this creates problems also we want to have intense relationship status with them when we want to make love with them we want to make uh all of the things that we never did in our lives and this comes out from the first stage the bubble phase that we feel intense sensational familiarity and love with that person so we are rushing things we really go into a mode of neediness and this creates what we call excess potential and eventually will lead us into the runner and stranger stage that we want to avoid we want to avoid that stage because obviously nobody wants to be abandoned and nobody wants to have their own issues reflected anywhere to any people to any circumstance so don't rush things relax don't make assumptions observe a person have a nice time and i'm going to talk more about that at what you must avoid at the first stage but on the second stage of your relationship it's important for you to keep that relationship that process 100 at a mode of spirituality once we meet that person we want to have a connection based on the old paradigm of having sex being in love hold them by the hand go to their movies and we really want to experience a typical relationship with them but you see that twin flame is there only to help us in a wonderful and beautiful way to ascend in our consciousness and reach higher levels of consciousness and understanding but once we move away from the spiritual part and we go into the bodily part the old paradigm part the old perception of how relationships should work things go from worse to worse so you need to again relax and i'm going to go to the third stage of what you actually must do in order to avoid all these crazy things from unfolding which is listen and take notes you see your twin flame is an active channeling machine they will reflect to you a lot of your issues they will speak to you through your own higher self because they are also you your twin flame is your own dark side that you avoid to confront you avoid to take responsibility of your own actions and thoughts and they reflect a lot of your dark psyche but they also come with love at first and they also channel wonderful things for you to learn but if you don't they will immediately turn into the dark side and they will abandon you they will do all of these things that you used to do also to other people due to your karma so if you listen carefully and take notes and start changing and shifting before you go to the runner and chaser stage before all hell breaks loose you can have a better and healthier relationship with them but people are going much into that relationship they want to have sex they want to have all their issues reflected back to them because they start claiming that other person from their current environment and they want to possess them to make them theirs and this creates again excess potential but if you go through all these three steps don't rush to make assumptions and relax into a stage of spirituality instead of the needy part of the body and the old paradigm and then listen and take notes you're gonna learn so many wonderful things the relationship is going to last longer but eventually unfortunately you have to learn how to let go because that person if you are not karmically balanced in this lifetime they will go away because the only way for you to be with your twin flame in a union is to be in your last reincarnation where you have no karma left you are fully spiritual again i will mention sri ramakrishna and i will post links below for you to read the articles i wrote in laughing socrates about this holy relationship that is actually documented and honor your twin flame as something spiritual and again if twin flames were a typical romantic relationship we wouldn't call them and label them as a holy process okay so if you like my videos subscribe to my channel and i will see you in an upcoming video stay tuned.

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