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"M then followed after, saying: `Thou wilt by me be called Malech (king)."Truly so,'said He, `but I will not, for all that, create the world by thee. Go back at once to thy place with thy companion letters, L and CH; for there must be a King, and for the world to be without one would not be seemly. At that moment CH descended from off the throne of light and splendor, exclaiming; `I am thy glory, create the world by me.' As it stood trembling with excitement before the Holy One, two hundred thousand worlds together with the throne itself were seized with a sudden tremor and seemed ready to fall. `Caph, Caph!' cried the Holy One, `what hast thou done? I will not create the world by thee, for thou beginnest Chala (ruin, loss). Return at once to thy place on the throne of glory and abide there!' Then Caph retired and went back to its place.

 " Y next appeared and claimed that being the initial letter in the divine name YHVH, it was the best for the work of creation. But the Holy One replied: `Let it suffice thee to be what THE COMPLETE GOLDEN DAWN SYSTEM OF MAGIC 28 thou art, chief letter in my name and foremost in all my designs, thou must remain where and as thou art!'

Then came T and spake before the Eternal One: `Create the world by me, for in me alone is thy goodness (Tobh) and uprightness, for attributes of Thee."I will not, Oh Teth,'replied the Holy One, `use thee in the creation of the world, because the goodness within thee is hidden and concealed from sight as it is written, `How great is Thy goodness which Thou hidest from them that fear Thee.' Seeing thou wilt remain invisible to the world I am about to create, and furthermore because of the goodness hidden within thee, the gates of the temple will sink into the earth as it is written, `Her gates are sunk into the ground,' and besides all this, thou with thy comrade the letter Cheth (CH) composed sin. Therefore, these letters will never enter in the names of the twelve holy tribes. On hearing these words Ch went not before the Holy One, but returned at once to its place.

 "Z then went up and urged its claim, saying: `Thy children will through me keep the Sabbath, as it is written: Remember (Zecor) the Sabbath to keep it holy. Thou, Oh Zain,' replied the Holy one, `art of too warlike a form, resembling as thou dost a spear. I cannot use thee in the creation of the world.'

When Z heard this decision, like N it retired and gave place to V, who said: `I am a letter in thy Holy name.' The Eternal One answered and said, `remain contented, Oh V that together with H you are in the great name. I shall not choose you by whom to create the world.'

" D . accompanied by G, went before the Divine Presence. To them it was said, `Let it suffice you, that so long as you are conjoined and associated, there will always be the poor on the earth who will need succor and help. Daleth (D) - poverty and Gimel (G) - help or the benefactor. Therefore both of you keep together, the one helping the other.'(In the Hebrew alphabet G and D are successive letters).

"Then came B and said : `Create the world by me, because I am the initial letter of Beracha (blessing) and through me all will bless thee, both in the world above as in the world below. "Truly, Oh B,' said the Holy One, `I will surely create the world by thee only.'

"Hearing these words, A remained in its place and went not into the Divine Presence, who therefore exclaimed `Aleph (A) Aleph! why comest thou not before me as all the other letters'?' Then replied A: `Lord and sovereign of the universe, it is because I have observed that (B excepted) they have returned as they went, without success. Why therefore, should I come before thee, since thou hast already given B the great and precious gift we all of us craved and desired. Moreover, it becometh not the monarch of the universe to withdraw and take back his presents from one subject and give them to another.' To these words, the Holy One responded: `Aleph, Aleph! Thou shalt be the first of all letters and my unity shall be symbolized only by thee. In all conceptions and ideas human or divine, in every act and deed begun, carried on and completed, in all of them shalt thou be the first, the beginning.'

"Therefore did the Holy One make the letters of the celestial alphabet, capitals, and those of the earthly, small, each corresponding to one another. Therefore also the Book of Genesis begins with two words whose initials are B, viz/ : Berashith Bara (in the beginning VOLUME ONE 29 created) followed by two others, whose initials are A, viz.,Alhim ath (God, the substance of) to show that the letters of these alphabets celestial and earthly are one and the same by which every creature and thing in the universe has been formed and produced."

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